RSL 12s or Emotiva XS15



Seriously, I have no life.
My vote would be for the Emotiva simply because it has a larger driver which "should" provide more output than the Speedwoofer.
That is a large area to fill with a single sub so your plan for two is on point.

Honestly with that large of a space I would look into something with an 18 or 21 inch driver to start with. Yes the cost will be a lot more but it is better to do it right the first time.
Driver size is only a small part of the equation. It is all about what the driver allows you to do with it.


Seriously, I have no life.
Thanks I’ll take a look at those also, you just made it more complicated
I would take a serious look at the HSU 12" subs, suggested by Shady. I used those when I redid my old HT room for the new owners. I was impressed by them. They have been in use for fours years now and they have not given any trouble. They have all the bass output you could wish for. I would not go near Emotiva.


Audioholic Spartan
Thanks for letting me into the forum. I can’t wait to find out more about these 2 subs. I was wanting to know which sub will have more of a in your face type of base in my home theater system? With the mark down of the emotiva XS 15 I feel like it’s a contender with the Rsl 12s in terms of price and size and it has 100 more watts of rms than the rsl 12. Also has a 5 year warranty but has a class AB amp instead of the D like Rsl. I haven’t foumd any comparisons on these 2 and hardly anything at all on the emotiva xs15.
My home theater setup will be my living room. I had a Samsung q990c and it just got lost in my room, so I got rid of it. My living room is about 22x24 and opens up into the dining room so you can add another 15x15 for that. Also I have 27 foot vaulted ceilings throughout. So have a have a bridge going across the room and will be hanging some Parker’s on that as well behind the couch. I sit about 15 feet from the 85” tv . I plan on getting the rsl in a 7.1.2. In the cg23m version all speakers for fro t sound stage and all surround the same speakers. I will have a x3800h for receiver and will eventually get another sub and a seperate amp to power the fro t stage so it will eventually be a 7.2.2.So it’s a pretty large open area. Thanks again for your help.
Hi! As someone mentioned I currently own the Emotiva 15 Im at work right now I'll post back after I get home at 11!


Speaker of the House
Staff member
I think advice steering you towards huge powerful subs are way off the mark. You definitely do not need 18"s or 21"s unless you are listening on the other side of a huge room. Proximity to subs counts for quite a bit.


Seriously, I have no life.
I think advice steering you towards huge powerful subs are way off the mark. You definitely do not need 18"s or 21"s unless you are listening on the other side of a huge room. Proximity to subs counts for quite a bit.
I with you on that Shady. We have too many here think that the sub is the most important speaker in the system and that is far from the truth.


Thanks for all the help, you guys are awesome
I would take a serious look at the HSU 12" subs, suggested by Shady. I used those when I redid my old HT room for the new owners. I was impressed by them. They have been in use for fours years now and they have not given any trouble. They have all the bass output you could wish for. I would not go near Emotiva.
thanks ill take a look at it


Audioholic Ninja
Sounds like a large space. I would vote for the HSU VTF3 Mk5. (15 inch). :)


Audioholic Spartan
Cant wait to hear what you are thinking about both speakers and prefer
Okay so the Emotiva is a great sub. (In my room) it reminds me a lot of the Rythmik FV 18's I have. Very tight bass very accurate neutral but with good mid bass slam and tactile.

It has great output to 20hz but not much extension past that. You can see that in the specs +-3db from 20hz-200hz

And it shows in my REW measurements with the frequency response in room. After 24hz it's down 3db by 20hz. In room with gain when cranking I'm getting decent extension to 18hz but nothing really below that.

I believe they did that to get you that midbass that 30-60hz slam. They traded some extension for more output 25hz on up. And it has a lot of it

The finish is nice the build quality is very high. Shipping and packaging excellent. They are not small subs at all and it weighs 120lbs so be prepared.

The RSL has true extension to 16hz if your going to be using it nearfield I think @shadyJ mentioned that you are I'd go with the RSL. Especially if this is the area you watch movies in.

Either sub is great you can't go wrong with either but your going to get better extension with the RSL and better midbass punch from 30 - 60hz with the Emotiva


Full Audioholic
Thanks for letting me into the forum. I can’t wait to find out more about these 2 subs. I was wanting to know which sub will have more of a in your face type of base in my home theater system? With the mark down of the emotiva XS 15 I feel like it’s a contender with the Rsl 12s in terms of price and size and it has 100 more watts of rms than the rsl 12. Also has a 5 year warranty but has a class AB amp instead of the D like Rsl. I haven’t foumd any comparisons on these 2 and hardly anything at all on the emotiva xs15.
My home theater setup will be my living room. I had a Samsung q990c and it just got lost in my room, so I got rid of it. My living room is about 22x24 and opens up into the dining room so you can add another 15x15 for that. Also I have 27 foot vaulted ceilings throughout. So have a have a bridge going across the room and will be hanging some Parker’s on that as well behind the couch. I sit about 15 feet from the 85” tv . I plan on getting the rsl in a 7.1.2. In the cg23m version all speakers for fro t sound stage and all surround the same speakers. I will have a x3800h for receiver and will eventually get another sub and a seperate amp to power the fro t stage so it will eventually be a 7.2.2.So it’s a pretty large open area. Thanks again for your help.

Danzilla's initial report/review.

Seems like a well performing sub for the money. In your size room you won't be able to tell the difference between 16 and 20hz. You need more output above 20hz, but I'm not sold on Emotiva's CS. At the current price the subs seem like a good deal.


Audioholic Spartan

Danzilla's initial report/review.

Seems like a well performing sub for the money. In your size room you won't be able to tell the difference between 16 and 20hz. You need more output above 20hz, but I'm not sold on Emotiva's CS. At the current price the subs seem like a good deal.
So far knock on wood it works perfectly no issues at all up to this point


Audioholic Spartan
I read that same thing about calibration being more in line about not chocking off the stronger of the 2 subs so thanks for your input.
It's not just the weaker sub choking off the stronger sub. It's also the fact that both subs while have a different port tune which will cause some of the same phase issues as mixing ported with sealed which can create large suckouts in your overall bass response at certain frequencies. How bad will depend on room and really just luck with how the 2 subs interact

It's highly recommended that all subs if you go duals or more be the same exact model. To avoid these type of complications

You can make different subs work but it takes a lot of manual EQ with actual measurements and you really have to know what your doing. It's a LOT of work

Ive been stumped for months on getting my 2 Rythmiks FV18'S to play nice with my 2 RBH 1212R's in the main listening room I have to the point I'm going to hire a local calibrator who is amazing with sub calibration he's done a lot of rooms in my area I've actually listened to a room he calibrated some Harbottle subs in and he really knows what he's doing

I've gotten a lot better at REW and manual EQ but theirs levels to this and I've hit my limit. It's time to get a pro in their who really knows what they are doing

I would strongly encourage you to avoid the headaches I'm going through and get all identical subs when you move up to duals or more then duals

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