Rolling Stone article on elections



Audioholic Chief
cyberbri said:
I take it you didn't click on the link... ;)

Besides the testimony in front of a congressional hearing under oath in that video, there is so much documented evidence about these voting machines being so easily hackable it's disgusting. Every day there are multiple new developments in this threat to our democracy documented places like this.

Would YOU use an ATM from a bank that didn't print receipts and has serious security holes that mean anyone with some computer programming knowledge could hack in and transfer funds without leaving a trace?

Why should we trust the foundation of our democracy to voting machines that are so vulnerable? Don't you care about protecting our freedom and democracy?
Yep, that's it. I don't care about freedom. In the meantime, you post a link to a congressional hearing. Does it take place in Congress ? Nope, it takes place in Columbus, Ohio. It was a staged photo-op. It was anything BUT a Congressional hearing.

I do like the end of the movie, though, when the chubby guy asks our hero programmer for his autograph.


You got me. It wasn't actually in the halls of congress. I guess the rubber-stamp bobble head congress was too busy that day.
So I guess it means nothing to you, since it was just a staged photo-op, as you say.

So, are you going to answer my question?
Would you use an ATM from a bank that didn't print receipts and has serious security holes that mean anyone with some computer programming knowledge could hack in and transfer funds without leaving a trace?


Audioholic Chief
cyberbri said:
You got me. It wasn't actually in the halls of congress. I guess the rubber-stamp bobble head congress was too busy that day.
So I guess it means nothing to you, since it was just a staged photo-op, as you say.

So, are you going to answer my question?
Would you use an ATM from a bank that didn't print receipts and has serious security holes that mean anyone with some computer programming knowledge could hack in and transfer funds without leaving a trace?
It is an asinine question. You are trying to draw a parallel to voting machines, which are reviewed by members of both parties immediately after voting is done. There is no parallel. Period.

Stephanie Tubb Jones is a far left politico from a district in which a Democrat could never lose. And I mean NEVER lose.

The reason this staged event is taking place with her and maybe 3 other loony tunes is because no one in Washington will take these people seriously.

As for you, you need something else to do with your time. Your constant running these conspiracy theories is not healthy.


craigsub said:
As for you, you need something else to do with your time. Your constant running these conspiracy theories is not healthy.

You're right. Our politicians are completely honest and ethical and would never do anything even remotely against the law, even though the machines could be hacked to produce a victory for Elvis if they wanted. I'm just a crazy CTer for wanting Americans to be able to vote on machines that aren't so extremely, since no one would ever want to affect the outcome of any election anyway. No mountaint of documented evidence means anything, because it's all coincidence and incidental anyway, and politicians are all honest and trustworthy and would never do anything unethical. :confused:


Audioholic Chief
Sheep said:
Ah, comes back to bite you in the *** again, craig.

Little sheep guy ... I know this stuff is always hard for you to understand, but I will try. Cyberbri never asked me the question in the first place. He asked Buckeye_Nut.

I am not Buckeye_Nut. In fact, neither are you. Based on the logic that I am supposed to answer the asinine question from Cyberbri to Buckeye_Nut, then so are you.

Of course, as you are not old enough to have an ATM card, perhaps you should ask Mommy if she could answer this question on your behalf. ;)
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Audioholic Warlord
craigsub said:
Little sheep guy ... I know this stuff is always hard for you to understand, but I will try. Cyberbri never asked me the question in the first place. He asked Buckeye_Nut.

I am not Buckeye_Nut. In fact, neither are you. Based on the logic that I am supposed to answer the asinine question from Cyberbri to Buckeye_Nut, then so are you.

Of course, as you are not old enough to have an ATM card, perhaps you should ask Mommy if she could answer this question on your behalf. ;)
I'm not in hiding anymore craig. You may want to look at my system thread.



Audioholic Chief
Sheep said:
I'm not in hiding anymore craig. You may want to look at my system thread.

LMAO ... I have seen the thread. I know some great cardio programs if you are interested.


craigsub said:
Little sheep guy ... I know this stuff is always hard for you to understand, but I will try. Cyberbri never asked me the question in the first place. He asked Buckeye_Nut.

I am not Buckeye_Nut. In fact, neither are you. Based on the logic that I am supposed to answer the asinine question from Cyberbri to Buckeye_Nut, then so are you.
I'm sorry, but it was directed at you, in a post as a response to your (second) childish comment about the mirror. I don't know how you could possibly be confused, but oh well.

But if you somehow were confused about it being directed at someone else, why did you respond to other things I said? And respond to the question itself, without actually answering?

It's just a question. Can't you have a discussion or answer a question without getting your panties in a bunch? I'd hate to be your wife...
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Audioholic Chief
Cyberbri, In post # 7 of this thread, you quoted Buckeye_Nut here ...

Originally Posted by Buckeye_Nut

Ya gotta love those liberals who dream up conspiracy theories to rationalize why the keep losing elections. Maybe if they stood for anything of substance, they would wouldnt have been evicted from power in the House, Senate, WH...etc, etc..etc...etc.....
Then responded with the question here ... It was clearly asked of Buckeye_nut.

cyberbri said:
Nice biting satirical post. I dig it. ;) Couldn't have written it better myself.

Let me ask you this.
Would you use a bank with ATMs that give no receipts and have been proven over and over again to be easily hackable (transferring funds with no way to trace it)? Would you trust that bank, even when reports come out of a large number of people's money coming up missing?

Why are they afraid to have paper trails with the voting machines? Why are they afraid to have voting machines that can't be hacked? Can't they win elections without cheating?
I never posted until #22, and merely gave actual links to the exit polling, to anyone who wanted to read facts. It was not directed at me.

You finally redirected the asinine question from Buckeye_Nut to me in post # 40. I answered it in post # 43. You may not like the answer, but the question itself was so beyond a rational question, it warranted a more severe answer than I gave.

Just so we are clear, Voting machines and ATM machines are not relevant to each other.


Audioholic Warlord
craigsub said:
LMAO ... I have seen the thread. I know some great cardio programs if you are interested.
You're one to talk,

Thats quite a talent you have there, what do you call it? Face stuffing?

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Junior Audioholic
I'LL answer the question

cyberbri said:
Would you use an ATM from a bank that didn't print receipts and has serious security holes that mean anyone with some computer programming knowledge could hack in and transfer funds without leaving a trace?
Yes, as long as the thing gave me cash. My bank is really good at helping out in such situations (don't get me started about ATM "convience fees" though).

I'll refer back to the statement about this being an asinine question.

Now stop bickering. :D


“Elections are too important to leave up to the whims of voters”

IMO, a few people of ALL political affiliations believe the above statement. If you don’t believe political parties and special interest groups cheat whenever possible, then…

:p It must be nice to live on your fantasy island!!!:p

Seriously though, election fraud is (and always has been) a part of every major election. I’m sure election fraud predates the USA. So is this any different?


Because, do to faulty electronic voting machines, these machines set the stage for massive voting fraud. That is unacceptable!

I actually have a very good grasp of technology (specifically networks and networking equipment). I’m also friends with several true experts and a couple of top notch hackers. We laughed at the lack of security of the electronic voting machines and their roll out. Believe it or not, from an over all security stand point…

The lotto machine at your local convenience store is more secure than these voting machines.​

But wait, there’s more…

What is deeply troubling is the lack of major media coverage. The silence (about this and other important issues) is deafening. Why does this matter?

Because an independent press can be thought of as another layer of security. They are supposed to spotlight discrepancies and anomalies. But, for the most part, they don’t.

Major news sources occasionally highlight issues for brief moments. It’s kind’a like the nightly news briefly showing a “feel-good clip” of a cat being rescued from a tree. It’s there for a moment and gone forever.

No follow-up.
No further investigation.

The major press, IMO, is failing the credibility test. They simply report what is spoon-fed to them. Because the official report couldn’t be inaccurate, could it?:eek:

Why does this happen? IMO, It’s money.

The news outlets don’t piss off their biggest advertisers. And if said advertiser has strong political ties, it’ll be silly for the news source to ruffle the advertiser's feathers. And the result is…

Major news goes unreported or glossed over. The American public stays largely unaware. Big money companies, their lobbyists, and their special interest groups get to buy, sell, trade and control more and more of America every day. And the news that’s supposed to report these things…

Remains silent.

Was there republican election fraud in the pass 2 elections?


Was there democratic election fraud before then?


Do the new voting machines increase the opportunity for wide spread fraud?


Are major news outlets doing an in-depth probe of the issue?


Does that represent a bigger problem than the election fraud?


Again, sorry for the rant. But I feel these issues should be discussed and debated openly. After all…

These are not liberal vs. conservative or republican vs. democrat issues. After all, we should be asking ourselves 3 questions…

What kind of America do we want our children to grow up in?

Do we want our children to be in control of this country or do we want them to leave it up to someone else? And...

What are we doing right now to make it happen?​

As always…

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