Got a taste of that sweet, sweet clean bass and now you wanna see what else you can do for improvements, eh? Welcome to the rabbit hole! Lol.
lol Pogre why did you have to go there? The dialogue in my head between reason and impulse is in full-on battle mode. There is a side of me that is saying "Alex how convenient this listening fatigue thing to justify to yourself that you need to spend $1000 (Canadians) to compensate for the quality of the new subwoofer?" Meanwhile, the other voice says "Of course you need those brand new shiny speakers, doesn't make sense to have something you can't listen to"
While the impulse side subconsciously knows that if I just keep doing research there is a point of no return where the hours spent in the research needs to be justified by the action of purchasing the god damn speakers.
If you add that economically it won't cost too much stress, you know where this train is going even from the moment the first thought came into your head.
All of this is happening as I tried to avoid the big elephant in the room of me willingly falling into the rabbit hole. lol
So Pogre help me put this in the past by telling me what speaker should I consider. I need to move on from this failure on self-control lol