Really Boring Stuff Only

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I actually live in southwest MO. I make a lot of trips to your area though. I'm at the Gaylord this week. Its gonna be fairly busy, but if PDawg needs some help with that grout haze, I'm happy to go help him out.... We should definitely do that sometime.
The "Gaylord"!?,...anything to do with... :)


Audioholic Field Marshall
Do you sit in close proximity to other people at work?

If so, do you ever feel a fart coming on, and you clench up your buttcheeks hoping it will at least silence the sound of your gas passing?

If you do, and it doesn't work so well, do you ever listen it it squeezing its way out of your crack and think to yourself "damnit, I hope no one heard that..."

Then, do you have to get up to go somewhere, but hope that the cushion doesn't smell like there's a dead skunk under your desk?

Just curious. :)


Do you sit in close proximity to other people at work?

If so, do you ever feel a fart coming on, and you clench up your buttcheeks hoping it will at least silence the sound of your gas passing?

If you do, and it doesn't work so well, do you ever listen it it squeezing its way out of your crack and think to yourself "damnit, I hope no one heard that..."

Then, do you have to get up to go somewhere, but hope that the cushion doesn't smell like there's a dead skunk under your desk?

Just curious. :)
Nope, I don't fart..............


Having homemade spagetti and sausage garlic bread and smores for dessert.....


Audioholic Slumlord
Where is Adam and Adam??????
They are boycotting the site until LOTR stops posting every 8.7 minutes on the average.

We just got back from a restaurant called India.
Guess what kind of food we had. :rolleyes:

Isn't the cow sacred over there? They had beef kabobs on the menu. :confused:

Aren't rats sacred too? :eek:

It was actually really good. We went with my girl's niece and her beau. They're college kids and pretty interesting. I had a St Paulie Girl fake beer and told one of my better 'got so wasted' stories that involved nude puking. Oh yeah ... :D
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