Really Boring Stuff Only

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I have no idea what the @%$# is going on in Fantasy Football.............I need more time :eek::eek::eek:


Audioholic Overlord
I have no idea what the @%$# is going on in Fantasy Football.............I need more time :eek::eek::eek:
You didn't even swap out your QB. He was hurt this week.

For kindness I left in my hurt receiver. But no way I was gonna bench brees for you.


Audioholic Samurai
I was paged at 2am this morning and have been up ever since. I had to have a coffee augmented with a shot of espresso this morning to keep my eyes open.

On a good note, my thumb doesn't hurt any more.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I thought I would make it to 1000 sooner. I was on a roll, but then I hit a wall - now I have nothing useful to say. :(

When, one may ask, has usefulness been a requisite for making a post? Well, I never post something completely useless, do I? :cool:



Audioholic Samurai
I've hit the proverbial wall several times between 1100 and 1300. I even went crazy and made some useful posts (as verified by you) and I think it'll be the end of the year before I hit Field Marshal. Which I think is a dumb title anyway. I may try and burn though to 2k just so I don't have to be an AFM for that long.

As for usefulness of your posts, this is not the thread to comtemplate such grave and serious topics. This is a thread for barnyard animals, residual weekend activity chats, and the occasional pic of flip-flops.


Audioholic Slumlord
This is a thread for barnyard animals ...
I knew it was only a matter of time before some sort of exclusionist policy got pushed through.
I've seen it before and it's ugly. :D

So this is what it's like to post from work. Wow, how do you people live with yourselves? :rolleyes:

Strube ... back to work. :p


Audioholic Spartan
I knew it was only a matter of time before some sort of exclusionist policy got pushed through.
I've seen it before and it's ugly. :D

So this is what it's like to post from work. Wow, how do you people live with yourselves? :rolleyes:

Strube ... back to work. :p
Hey, I'm at home with my sick child.:(

and now I here with sick child!:p


Audioholic Field Marshall
I knew it was only a matter of time before some sort of exclusionist policy got pushed through.
I've seen it before and it's ugly. :D

So this is what it's like to post from work. Wow, how do you people live with yourselves? :rolleyes:

Strube ... back to work. :p
Okay, okay. I am going. Time to meet with the advisor, have him stab me in the face, and then get back to the research.

I heard a rumor you are getting some pretty awesome custom speakers on your way home, whenever that is...

Well, if the rumor is true, congrats!


Audioholic Slumlord
I heard a rumor you are getting some pretty awesome custom speakers on your way home, whenever that is...

Well, if the rumor is true, congrats!
Ahhhh .... yeah, if I can gat a hold of WmAx. :confused:
I won't be able to listen to them for a while due to lack of amplification but one day ... ;)

I just didn't want Jamie to have them. :p :D

Read about it here while you're not working: :)


Audioholic Samurai
Word on the street is that you received "the picture." She ain't impressed by no Field Marshall, my good man. Posty, posty. :D
Yes, I did receive the picture. I'm over 2000 now and she still ain't here.
How long did it take her to get to your place?


Audioholic Spartan
Yes, I did receive the picture. I'm over 2000 now and she still ain't here.
How long did it take her to get to your place?
You guys going to share this picture or is this your own little porn ring?

Postie, postie.

Edit - nice pic. I see why it can't be posted openly. Thanks Adam.
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Audioholic Samurai
You guys going to share this picture or is this your own little porn ring?

Postie, postie.

Edit - nice pic. I see why it can't be posted openly. Thanks Adam.
For the record... It ain't that bad.


Audioholic Field Marshall
You guys going to share this picture or is this your own little porn ring?

Postie, postie.

Edit - nice pic. I see why it can't be posted openly. Thanks Adam.
Wait, what pic?! :confused:

What did I miss? Bah!

Did my perverted side come through there? ;)
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