Really Boring Stuff Only

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Not a huge surprise there. I am sure trying hard to get my wife to learn how use a gun in case the redhead shows up at the door, teeth bared, with firey red eyes and a nasty pink foam around the mouth ready to lunge. Unfortunately the wife is terrified of guns and I can't get the dog to dislike anyone, so I will have to figure something else out. :D
You could dig a moat around your house and fill it with Saltwater croc's.That would stop MOST people anyway.......


Audioholic Jedi
You could dig a moat around your house and fill it with Saltwater croc's.That would stop MOST people anyway.......
Either that or buy your wife a peanut butter sprayer. Slightly less hazardous to the neighborhood kids. :)


Audioholic Jedi
I am certainly curious if you have the ability do divulge my whereabouts to that monkey and the crazy redhead that stalked me back when I was a freshman...
No worries, man. I won't tell anyone.

BTW, I hope that you didn't mind the red hair. I was going through a phase.


Audioholic General
I am truly and totaly bored right now not sure what going in in my head.:mad:
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Audioholic Field Marshall
You could dig a moat around your house and fill it with Saltwater croc's.That would stop MOST people anyway.......
I like it!

Either that or buy your wife a peanut butter sprayer. Slightly less hazardous to the neighborhood kids. :)
If the naked little kids running around here become a tasty snack, I think that is their parents' own fault. I would post warning signs to avoid lawsuits, of course. That's all you need, right? Plus, that is one less deer I would have to tranquilize and drag off the mountain to feed the crocs.


Audioholic General
I think i am gonna take advantave of the clunker for cash program the government is pushing. I could get $4000.00 dollars for my blazer. That sounds like a very good deal. I would miss my blazer though.:(


Audioholic Spartan
I like it!

If the naked little kids running around here become a tasty snack, I think that is their parents' own fault. I would post warning signs to avoid lawsuits, of course. That's all you need, right? Plus, that is one less deer I would have to tranquilize and drag off the mountain to feed the crocs.
For you to be clear of liability the children have to be at or above the age of reasoning for the particular situation. Signs only work if you can read them and understand the consequences.:)


Audioholic Field Marshall
For you to be clear of liability the children have to be at or above the age of reasoning for the particular situation. Signs only work if you can read them and understand the consequences.:)
Dang, you're right. I will have to put in a perimeter fence so that the smallest of children can't get munched upon, with the added bonus of more security. :D


Audioholic Spartan
... and a banana hammock with a big cowboy hat. :D

There's an image that's gonna be tough to shake.

I wonder if Alex wears the white good guy hat or the black bad guy hat?

If Alex specifies that the hat is big does that mean that the hammock is not?


Audioholic Samurai
Again...disturbing...I'm gonna go clean out my inbox.



Was wondering if there's a possibility to make good friends here, without getting blasted?
Besides, I need to improve my English writing skills, and it seems to be the appropriate place for that purpose. Could I be right?

* Just want to start all over from the right foot.


Audioholic Spartan
Was wondering if there's a possibility to make good friends here, without getting blasted?
Besides, I need to improve my English writing skills, and it seems to be the appropriate place for that purpose. Could I be right?

* Just want to start all over from the right foot.
YMMV, but if you look towards this thread for anglophone acculturation, I am afraid you are not going to come out of it just quite right. :eek::p

However, I would personally like to encourage you, as it might prove to be hilarious when the regulars of this thread make fun of you. ;)


Audioholic Ninja
* Just want to start all over from the right foot.
Start from the left foot and you're on the right track, Bob. Its all good in here. Just be careful of aspiring to "good" friends, you'll get the animals all worked up. I still cant sleep without a nite-lite.


Audioholic Ninja
However, I would personally like to encourage you, as it might prove to be hilarious when the regulars of this thread make fun of you. ;)
What?! he's Canadian and likes Peter Jackson films enough to use as a moniker. What could we possibly use to poke fun at?

I appreciate the vernacular of your post, though. I also enjoy the palindromic signature; I frequently check it to make sure it is indeed both the same forwards and backwards. It is.

Here's one for Adam: Dog sex, even if fine, vexes God


Audioholic Jedi
I just got up from a nap and am throwing back a Diet Coke to help ease my grogginess.
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