Really Boring Stuff Only

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Hey, what's a spammer? That word is not in my dictionary.

* Would I be right, if my guess was about those early posts that I sometimes comes across where the person never finished his sentence or line?
And usually with two smilies one higher (left) than the other one, and with a dark circle around it?

I need more info to understand what's behind that. Sorry for my ignorance on that new word.

Rather than that, everything else is pretty boring on the waterfront.


Audioholic Field Marshall
What did Strube build?

That was actually my senior disease (aka senior design) project. It was a robotic camera that was controlled entirely by head motions, rather than having to use a joystick or the like.


Audioholic Spartan
Hey, what's a spammer?
Not a question I thought I'd ever see on the net, but might as well give a thorough answer.

A spammer is a person or company that floods the net, via email or message boards, with unwanted and generally annoying advertising. This is why email programs have spam filters. This is why forums like this have a registration and verification process for new members and limit the activities of new members for a certain number of posts.

Because new members here can't post links right away, a spammer will need to generate several posts before they can post a link to their unwanted sales pitch. They don't really care what's in the post which is why it's just a snub copy of another post. They are also busy spamming many other sites with a flood of these posts, so the posts are actually made by spam-bots.

To answer the question, a spammer is the scum-sucking, bottom-feeding parasite of the internet that needs to be neutralized and eliminated as quickly as possible.


Audioholic Spartan

You have to post that vintage pic of yourself that you sent me.:cool:

It's a great contrast to that Sam Elliot look you've got going on right now.;)


Audioholic Ninja

You have to post that vintage pic of yourself that you sent me.:cool:

It's a great contrast to that Sam Elliot look you've got going on right now.;)
You mean the "Jesus Christ, Superstar", radical, rockandroll, rabble-rousing-sumbeeatch pic? :eek: You're right, it's pretty boring and would fit right in here. :)

But naw, let 'em eat their hearts out over your good fortune! ;)


Audioholic Spartan
You mean the "Jesus Christ, Superstar", radical, rockandroll, rabble-rousing-sumbeeatch pic? :eek: You're right, it's pretty boring and would fit right in here. :)

But naw, let 'em eat their hearts out over your good fortune! ;)
I've seen your "Sam Elliott" but now I have this image of Charles Manson in my head...Sorry.:eek:


Audioholic Ninja
Where's the swastika on your forehead?:rolleyes:

He's a scary looking dude...
Okay, here's something else for Alex's Internet Stalker Notebook. :eek: Does the look fit my libertarian politics?

And Dave, you now owe us a vintage shot of yourself!



Ya hippie you.....LOL I looked just like that 15 years ago without the beard...


Audioholic Ninja
Ya hippie you.....LOL I looked just like that 15 years ago without the beard...
LOL, yeah, we all have skeletons in our closets. :D After my job as a...ahem (ta-daaaaa)...git playing community organizer (sound like anyone you know? ;)) I had to get a short-haired wig to apply for a real job! :D
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