Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Ninja
Played GOLF today.. I'm very sunburnt, but happy that I got to get out. I was slightly hungover but the sun and 4 lg bags of trail mix did me good.

I shot an 8 under 64 if anyone cares :cool:


Audioholic Samurai
Played GOLF today...[/SIZE]
Drank beer here in beautiful San Diego watching the clouds roll by after going to Sea World. It was fantastic! Great weather and fun with the family!


(I also did homework for my masters degree after returning from Sea World...but before the steak and wine for dinner followed by beer for dessert.)


Audioholic Slumlord

Not sure if you're aware of this but there is a break-in disc for plasmas.

It's on the bottom right corner of the page. I just ordered the disc because of my non existent computer skills. The idea is to run it for 100 hours to essentially eliminate the chance of burn in. This is a fantastic time to get a plasma. The prices are down and the bugs have been worked out. You, my man, are gonna love it. Just in case you didn't catch it The Major likes that Spyder 3 calibration toy for around $100 but lots of people (me included) do okay with the Avia deal (real cheap). I'm so happy for you that I'm blabbering. Congratulations. :)

You know Oppo has a Blu ray player out ... :rolleyes: :D


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, Alex!

I hadn't really been paying too much attention to calibration and break-in discussions because I honestly didn't think that I'd ever get one. :) I sure appreciate the info. I'll have to go check it out.

I actually was thinking a couple of hours ago that I should have ordered that Oppo blu-ray player when I had a chance. It is $500, though, so I won't feel too bad. I figure a good upconverting DVD player will help out a lot, based on what I've read.


Audioholic Ninja
9 holes? :D

I absolutely LOVE that joke... it will never not make me laugh...

Par 4 3 4 4 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 5 72
me 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 2 3 4 4 64
Last edited:


Audioholic Jedi
Just assume you cant tell the difference buddy..........:D
That's what I'm going to do! :D I ignored all that stuff for so long because I never really thought about what I'd do if I bought a new TV, and now I'm not sure what to do. I would like to wait a bit for blu-ray, though, because of the prices. I have plenty of DVDs, and I can hook up my MacBook to the TV to watch streaming Netflix. I like the Oppo for the DVD-A and SACD, but I'll need to get a new receiver to take advantage of playing those over HDMI.

One step at a time...


Audioholic Slumlord
Thanks, Alex!

I hadn't really been paying too much attention to calibration and break-in discussions because I honestly didn't think that I'd ever get one. :) I sure appreciate the info. I'll have to go check it out.

I actually was thinking a couple of hours ago that I should have ordered that Oppo blu-ray player when I had a chance. It is $500, though, so I won't feel too bad. I figure a good upconverting DVD player will help out a lot, based on what I've read.
I had my sister in OK get a PS3 for her system and we all watched that Planet Earth or Blue Planet or both on Blu ray and it was remarkable. John Garcia's point was made about not being happy with anything else after Blu ray. I saw the same show in HD on cable TV recently and it didn't look like I knew it could. So my argument is this: you already have a DVD player and buying another one is redundant and takes money away from whatever Blu ray player you may eventually get. Craig/adk just got rid of his dvd players completely. How's that for passe? Jostenmeat closes his eye's if it's not 1080p. Based on what I have read there is no amount of upconverting in the world that will make DVD players remotely close to 1080p. :D

Choose wisely because you just might be living with your decision for the next 15 years
... unlike Harald who hangs on to his new acquisitions for around 2 months. :eek: :D


Audioholic Jedi
Okay, now it's my turn to ask a question that has been asked by hordes of people in the past.

Do I really need an upscaling DVD player? After all, the Panny will upscale the image already. Would the Oppo, or any other player, do a better job at it?

I feel silly asking, but now that it's my gear, I'm more interested. :D
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