Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Slumlord
Alex hows the turntable doing? Does it sound like you remember it?
I'm diggin' the TT. About 30 years ago my brother came home with a fancy system from overseas and to be honest with you, all I cared was that it was loud. I don't remember what that really sounded like. What's cool about it for me is that this is my first listen to music from a generation gone by. The music your parents made sure that you were good and sick of, I have never really heard. I bought a 70 year old man's record collection of probably like 100 albums and most of them are mono.

Oh shoot, check this out:

To my door that would have been $185. I got it for $20. I've been told 3 times that it's nothing to write home about but screw that. For short money I have had a chance to listen to music from a different era. Right now I'm listening to No Doubt but since you mentioned the TT I'm going to play an opera recorded in 1946 in mono: La Traviata. It's on and it sounds good even on headphones. Maybe not as good as some fancy Salks for $14,000 would sound but when it's all done I will be able to say that I listened to an opera ...

... you peasant! :eek: :D
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Nice Alex....... as long as it ain't this..
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Audioholic Jedi
I'm annoyed. I can't find that equalizer post for Alex, and I think that I might also be a peasant.

Hmmm. I wonder if that's where piss-ant comes from. Maybe, maybe not...seeing as how that's real type of ant.


Audioholic Jedi
While the Mountain Dew Throwback was tasty and nostalgic, I shouldn't have had two of them. I'm too awake, and I need to get up tomorrow morning.


Audioholic Jedi
No robot overlord tonight. Sleep tight, humans. You have a reprieve.


Audioholic Jedi
I've been trying to decide all day if I'm going to take tomorrow off from work. I'm still undecided, but I'm leaning towards going.


Audioholic Spartan
It seems that it's usually rich people saying that to stop poor people from wanting their money.:D

When you're poor, financial issues are usually the greatest cause of stress. Trying to buy happiness with an unlimited supply of money beats being poor and unhappy any day.
What you're ssying doesn't contradict what I say

Money can't buy you happiness......
But lack of money surely will buy you a lot of grief, that doesn't mean that you're happy with lots of money.... you just need.... at least enough of it.....


Audioholic Slumlord
Vinyl has soul. :) Enjoy the deck
Even to myself I am starting to sound like Harald:

I found this deck and now my life is so beautiful that I shouldn't even be on AH, never mind in the boring thread because life is soooooooooooo not boring. I live in Pawtucket and I went to Cranston to get a little vinyl and it was soooooooooooooo good that I went back for more and ended up bring all that vinyl to Pawtucket so that I could have as much of it as I want, when I want and how I want. Sometimes I flip it over and slap my needle to the other side. There are times that I play it nice and low but other times I just start tearing that sh!t up so that they can hear it 3 door down.

Unlike Harold, I'm not shy about posting pic's of it's most sensitive spot:

Welcome back Harald. I sure have missed you.
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Audioholic Spartan
I woke up early. :( Got to bed at 2am after my Sunday set, tonight I got nothing though so hopefully I'll get some sleep. :)

Vinyl has soul. :) Enjoy the deck
Here it's already 1:00 pm
Going to a ship with my Primare R20 riia to have the loose rca connectors at the back fixed.


Audioholic Spartan
Even to myself I am starting to sound like Harald:

Unlike Harold, I'm not shy about posting pic's of it's most sensitive spot:

Welcome back Harald. I sure have missed you.
Wow, if that's your most sensitive spot.... that's scary

And THX !!!


Senior Audioholic
The other day, I went over by my grandparents gas station and worked there for a couple hours.

A biker came in... asked for vaseline. I directed him to the isle.

He comes back, "Don't you have gallon tubs?"

"No. Sorry."

What on EARTH does ANYONE need a gallon of vaseline for?! :confused:


Audioholic Samurai
The other day, I went over by my grandparents gas station and worked there for a couple hours.

A biker came in... asked for vaseline. I directed him to the isle.

He comes back, "Don't you have gallon tubs?"

"No. Sorry."

What on EARTH does ANYONE need a gallon of vaseline for?! :confused:
I thought this was going to be a joke...and then it kinda was. :D


Senior Audioholic
I found this interesting tid bit of information today... it's essentially boring and useless... but whatever:

When you mean “for example,” use e.g. It is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia. When you mean “that is,” use “i.e.” It is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase id est. Either can be used to clarify a preceding statement, the first by example, the second by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it. Because these uses are so similar, the two abbreviations are easily confused. If you just stick with good old English “for example” and “that is” you won’t give anyone a chance to sneer at you. If you insist on using the abbreviation, perhaps “example given” will remind you to use “e.g.,” while “in effect” suggests “I.E.”

Since e.g. indicates a partial list, it is redundant to add “etc.” at the end of a list introduced by this abbreviation.


So there you have it, for anyone that is a grammar freak :p This is a nice website too:


I am seeing robots everywhere........:eek: maybe I should turn off the TV
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