Going "crazy" with acoustic treatments testing now
Taking out first reflections, 2" Rockfon industrial, covered with molton fabric.
Behind speakers, 2" Rockfon panels, to be covered with molton fabric.... soon
Front wall, all 2" Rockfon industrial, and in front, acoustic panels from Art Novion, Portugal
Self made, custom bass traps, the front covered with acoustic panels from Art Novion, Portugal
Covering front of TV to take out first reflections of TV, art acoustic panels from Sounds of Science, Sweden
does it make a difference? heck.... YES, YES. YES, YES
Testing here with Duntech PCL-15
Also there are some Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution
4 Audio Physic Subwoofers .... tons of amplification madness, and mode ....
Going haywire here now ....