Did you buy the tool & stripper separately ($47.36), or get the
kit with case for $99.90?
The kit seems kind of pricey, and it includes some connectors I might use and others I won't, like those BNC bits. The case might be nice because it holds all those separate pieces. I can loose that kind of stuff if they aren't all together in one box.
I looked up the PE prices of the connectors. The F connectors are $0.75 each and $0.68 if you buy 10-99. The RCA connectors are much more, $1.75 for 10-99 for RG-59. And even more for RG-6, $2.25 for 10-99. That's enough to make me stop. Why are the RCA connectors so much more than the F connectors? Are the HD prices better?
I'm beginning to remember why I talked myself out of this before. I don't rearrange things like you do. Once I install something it stays there. If I do need a different cable, I buy it already terminated. And I don't find unused spools of RG-59 lying around where I work
