You could always move to Texas. I hear this house is for sale at only 1.6 mill I'll take two!
psbfan9 Audioholic Samurai Feb 2, 2015 #15,681 lsiberian said: You could always move to Texas. I hear this house is for sale at only 1.6 mill Click to expand... I'll take two!
lsiberian said: You could always move to Texas. I hear this house is for sale at only 1.6 mill Click to expand... I'll take two!
lsiberian Audioholic Overlord Feb 2, 2015 #15,682 psbfan9 said: I'll take two! Click to expand... I don't have a real estate license yet, but I will get one just so you can buy these two houses with someone you know and trust.
psbfan9 said: I'll take two! Click to expand... I don't have a real estate license yet, but I will get one just so you can buy these two houses with someone you know and trust.
psbfan9 Audioholic Samurai Feb 2, 2015 #15,685 This looks really good. Introductory price, $499.00, will run for 90 minutes or 30 to 50 miles on a charge, and it recharges in a standard 120-volt outlet in about 90 minutes. The battery is removable.
This looks really good. Introductory price, $499.00, will run for 90 minutes or 30 to 50 miles on a charge, and it recharges in a standard 120-volt outlet in about 90 minutes. The battery is removable.
fuzz092888 Audioholic Warlord Feb 3, 2015 #15,686 Getting observed today. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Is it summer break yet?
Adam Audioholic Jedi Feb 3, 2015 #15,687 fuzz092888 said: Getting observed today. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Click to expand... Alex mentioned that he was going back to work yesterday. It's all starting to come together.
fuzz092888 said: Getting observed today. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Click to expand... Alex mentioned that he was going back to work yesterday. It's all starting to come together.
GO-NAD! Audioholic Warlord Feb 3, 2015 #15,688 Adam said: Alex mentioned that he was going back to work yesterday. It's all starting to come together. Click to expand... Dang, you beat me to it....
Adam said: Alex mentioned that he was going back to work yesterday. It's all starting to come together. Click to expand... Dang, you beat me to it....
Adam Audioholic Jedi Feb 3, 2015 #15,689 GO-NAD! said: Dang, you beat me to it.... Click to expand... Nah, that won't get misquoted...
Rickster71 Audioholic Spartan Feb 3, 2015 #15,690 fuzz092888 said: Getting observed today. Click to expand... Just a thought. Close the bathroom blinds while in the shower. Unless Alex is inside and sitting on the toilet while you're in the shower, yelling at you for not listening when he wants to tell you about how his day is going. fuzz092888 said: Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Click to expand... Don't invite Adam to sleep over and watch Titanic and expect to actually sleep.
fuzz092888 said: Getting observed today. Click to expand... Just a thought. Close the bathroom blinds while in the shower. Unless Alex is inside and sitting on the toilet while you're in the shower, yelling at you for not listening when he wants to tell you about how his day is going. fuzz092888 said: Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Click to expand... Don't invite Adam to sleep over and watch Titanic and expect to actually sleep.
GO-NAD! Audioholic Warlord Feb 3, 2015 #15,691 Rickster71 said: Just a thought. Close the bathroom blinds while in the shower. Unless Alex is inside and sitting on the toilet while you're in the shower, yelling at you for not listening when he wants to tell you about how his day is going. Click to expand... Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower...
Rickster71 said: Just a thought. Close the bathroom blinds while in the shower. Unless Alex is inside and sitting on the toilet while you're in the shower, yelling at you for not listening when he wants to tell you about how his day is going. Click to expand... Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower...
Rickster71 Audioholic Spartan Feb 3, 2015 #15,692 GO-NAD! said: Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower... Click to expand... I hate when that happens.
GO-NAD! said: Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower... Click to expand... I hate when that happens.
BoredSysAdmin Audioholic Slumlord Feb 3, 2015 #15,694 GO-NAD! said: Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower... Click to expand... God bless pressure shower faucets (not flawcetts)
GO-NAD! said: Hope you have a pressure/temperature compensating shower fawcett - just in case he decides to flush while you're in the shower... Click to expand... God bless pressure shower faucets (not flawcetts)
psbfan9 Audioholic Samurai Feb 3, 2015 #15,695 fuzz092888 said: I can always count on you guys for support Click to expand... You rooted for the Pats. My hands were tied.
fuzz092888 said: I can always count on you guys for support Click to expand... You rooted for the Pats. My hands were tied.
haraldo Audioholic Warlord Feb 4, 2015 #15,696 Detroit man walks 21 miles to work, EVERY DAY
Detroit man walks 21 miles to work, EVERY DAY
BoredSysAdmin Audioholic Slumlord Feb 4, 2015 #15,697 psbfan9 said: You rooted for the Pats. My hands were tied. Click to expand... True Expert level : Twister with tied hands
psbfan9 said: You rooted for the Pats. My hands were tied. Click to expand... True Expert level : Twister with tied hands
Adam Audioholic Jedi Feb 4, 2015 #15,698 BoredSysAdmin said: True Expert level : Twister with tied hands Click to expand... That's the entrance criteria for the AH Twister Club.
BoredSysAdmin said: True Expert level : Twister with tied hands Click to expand... That's the entrance criteria for the AH Twister Club.
Adam Audioholic Jedi Feb 4, 2015 #15,699 Two beers down. Might snack on some wasabi chick peas. Well, they say that they have real wasabi, but that's no where in the ingredients. They have a heck of kick to them, though. They'll clear out your sinuses.
Two beers down. Might snack on some wasabi chick peas. Well, they say that they have real wasabi, but that's no where in the ingredients. They have a heck of kick to them, though. They'll clear out your sinuses.
fuzz092888 Audioholic Warlord Feb 5, 2015 #15,700 I think I'm more burnt out now than when I was working 14 hours days in 90 degree + humidity weather at the "hell on earth" horse show that was my old summer job. I guess it's kinda like Rick's motto when it's Alex's turn. "Smile and take it....." I think there was more to it, but it was muffled by the ball gag.
I think I'm more burnt out now than when I was working 14 hours days in 90 degree + humidity weather at the "hell on earth" horse show that was my old summer job. I guess it's kinda like Rick's motto when it's Alex's turn. "Smile and take it....." I think there was more to it, but it was muffled by the ball gag.