Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
I forgot to ask Fuzz if his girlfriend was Asian. I don't want to appear completely uncouth, so if you would ask him for me...?
Sounds like he's spending all of his ring money anyway.
She is not. She's a big white woman. :D As Cleavon Little once said, "Where all the white women at?"

She's paying for half. Probably because she's trying to save some of that ring money :p


Audioholic Warlord
Cr@p. My wife fell skiing today and broke her tibia. Not a bad break and better than an ACL injury but still really stinks. Due to our daughters dance schedule she has not been able to ski on the weekends so she went out today for a few runs. Hooked an edge on the sticky snow and it spun her around and slammed her down. If all goes well she should be back on skies in 4-6 weeks if I can keep her off the leg. Bumming.
Sorry to hear that man. That's a nasty one to break, but at least that's not a terrible recovery time. Best wishes.

-Asian Banana


Audioholic Slumlord
Try not to make a mess on the cast. Just because she's easier to catch is no reason for messiness.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Try not to make a mess on the cast. Just because she's easier to catch is no reason for messiness.
No cast yet. She sees the ortho guy tomorrow or Thursday and then we will know. I am moving out if she gets a cast.:eek:

She never sits still. This is going to be a very interesting 6 weeks. I think I need a drink.


Audioholic Samurai
Rob, I'll be excited to hear what you think of yours! Congrats on the new TV, man. I bought mine on impulse after reading your posts. I might cancel the order, but I'd still like to know how you like yours!
Amazon deal is live right now on sammy 64 inch
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Tough week here. Main HD video switcher fried this morning with a brown out. It was plugged into a surge protector and a UPS and still went. At least these are older tech so I was able to get another one with more zones on epray. Wife is bumming as she is bed ridden and now has no TV in the bedroom because it is all centralized.


Audioholic Slumlord
Tough week here. Main HD video switcher fried this morning with a brown out. It was plugged into a surge protector and a UPS and still went. At least these are older tech so I was able to get another one with more zones on epray. Wife is bumming as she is bed ridden and now has no TV in the bedroom because it is all centralized.
I thought by now you guys would have jacks in your necks to plug in a dongle or something. Get her some chocolate.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
I thought by now you guys would have jacks in your necks to plug in a dongle or something. Get her some chocolate.
Funny. I did plug a dongle in. Put the Chromecast on that TV to keep her happy. She will be napping soon when the Vicodin kicks in.


Banned from AVSforum for "thread bumping". So apparantly I should have deleted my thread and posted a new one if I want to drop the price.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Slumlord
Banned from AVSforum for "thread bumping". So apparantly I should have deleted my thread and posted a new one if I want to drop the price.:rolleyes:
Thread bumping ... lol! I hate seeing you drop the price on my rec'r. BTW, a TV was okay but when I said 'rec'r' ... we had bills. I'm gonna go teach her a lesson. :D


Audioholic Ninja
Broke my harmony ONE screen, NOW WHAT?:mad: no longer in production and I DONT WANT TO LEARN HOW TO USE ANOTHER REMOTE...


Audioholic Overlord
Cr@p. My wife fell skiing today and broke her tibia. Not a bad break and better than an ACL injury but still really stinks. Due to our daughters dance schedule she has not been able to ski on the weekends so she went out today for a few runs. Hooked an edge on the sticky snow and it spun her around and slammed her down. If all goes well she should be back on skies in 4-6 weeks if I can keep her off the leg. Bumming.
Ouch...I wish her a speed recovery. I was always afraid of hurting my knees or breaking a leg skiing and that's why I took up snowboarding. I figure a broken wrist and head injury would be much better.


Audioholic Overlord
Broke my harmony ONE screen, NOW WHAT?:mad: no longer in production and I DONT WANT TO LEARN HOW TO USE ANOTHER REMOTE...
I like my Harmony One. I got it years ago for like $173 when Circuit City went out of business. I will sell it to you for $500...


Audioholic General
Banned from AVSforum for "thread bumping". So apparantly I should have deleted my thread and posted a new one if I want to drop the price.:rolleyes:
I got a warning for the same thing earlier this year- sheesh!


Audioholic Slumlord
Man ... I'm bored enough to start taking updated pics but maybe not bored enough to do the prior clean up. Maybe I can get my maid to do that after she gets my towel from the warmer .... after I get a towel warmer ... and a maid. I got the towel though.


Audioholic Ninja
I like my Harmony One. I got it years ago for like $173 when Circuit City went out of business. I will sell it to you for $500...
You are all heart...

I have been using the remote that came with my cable box, I programmed it to control the tv and the receiver, it seems to work, I really don't need a fancy remote, I only have the cable box, pre/pro and ps3 {rarely used and only for streaming} in that room...

I could still use the harmony by memory, but at some point I am going to hit another button and be lost in the menu for ever... I was never crazy about that remote anyway, it was OK, but clumsy, easy to push the wrong buttons, and not very ergonomic... granted easy to setup but not worth replacing...

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