Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Warlord
Thanks, Fuzz! I sure appreciate the info! The fact that you're buying one makes me thing, hmmm - probably worth it. Then again, you couldn't hold on to a nickel to save your life, whereas I hold on to them so tight that they'd turn into diamond if they were carbon.
Well, I'm not going to argue with that last bit ;) However, I wouldn't be buying any TV unless the GF hadn't volunteered to put some money towards it. Honestly, I had no desire to buy any TV's. I've been talking to the woman for about a year about getting another plasma before they were all gone. I missed the boat on the Panny's becauseI just didn't have it, but with the Samsung's I've got just enough to almost make it work. I say almost because I still need to see how it all shakes out. I figure, worst comes to worst, I end up selling the 8500 for at least what I paid or maybe even a little profit. If a few things work out, then maybe I get to keep both the Sammies.

I'm just not sure that I want to shell out that price premium for the 64". Maybe I should just hold out for 4k to get better, maybe even early next year. I haven't been paying much attention to TV specs. Heck, I just bought mine about 5.5 years ago. I kept my other one for 15 years. :)
The Panny I have is about 5-6 years old. Every so often I go into the service menu to check on the hours. If it lives up to the panel spec, it should have a ton of life left in it, but the 5 year plan (10 year plan if I'm really lucky) was/is to have two TV's that will last awhile so I can dig a little deeper into PJ's. I'd love to have to not worry about either TV for about 10 years. That way I can eventually build a nice big fixed screen with a really good screen material.


Audioholic Warlord
I'm just not sure that I want to shell out that price premium for the 64". Maybe I should just hold out for 4k to get better, maybe even early next year. I haven't been paying much attention to TV specs. Heck, I just bought mine about 5.5 years ago. I kept my other one for 15 years. :)
I was just at the store yesterday looking at the 4K sets. They look awesome, no doubt. Now that I'm looking at the Samsung plasma, and this could just be the buyer's justification talking, but I don't regret sticking with plasma one iota.


Audioholic Samurai
My man ... You're gonna love that 8500 ... is that the model or the price? :D
f qqqqrrr u mmm arghhhh u lol 2499.99 free shipping but its mine and thats that, my new panel for 5 years or more.. knock on hardwood.


Audioholic Slumlord
I finally figured out what to look for when adjusting Sharpness. My old 50" PZ77U now hangs in Mantown and the new to me PN59D7000 hangs in the living room. So now that they both have a better calibration and the 7000 suffers compromised black levels with Cinema Smooth/24p and the PZ77U doesn't handle motion as well with the lack of 24p. The PQ differences got smaller as I made some better adjustments on the PZ77U. Two displays with killer PQ but there's still never anything good on!
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
So you got the used one? I could not tell with all the back and forth with fuzz. Cheryl said it was clean enough?


Audioholic Spartan
Dang bro! Nice score. You and Rob found 'em alright. Why can't Rick score that deal?
I missed this entire thread. :eek:
Didn't even look on Amazon, wanted local pickup because I have my doubts on package handling this time of year.
I still would have jumped on the Amazon deal, knowing what I know now.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry, sorry. I paid $2497 + tax which came to $2650 with prime shipping. Although you had to pick which day you wanted it delivered and then a time slot. The TV that I can't afford and which may eventually get sold will be here December 20th sometime before noon.
PM me if you or Adam change you minds.
We can work something out.


Audioholic Jedi
Rob, I'll be excited to hear what you think of yours! Congrats on the new TV, man. I bought mine on impulse after reading your posts. I might cancel the order, but I'd still like to know how you like yours!


Audioholic Slumlord
So you got the used one? I could not tell with all the back and forth with fuzz. Cheryl said it was clean enough?
I did get the used one. Turns out the seller is a union laborer. We know some of the same people. I asked him to take a vacuum to the TV before Cheryl and I got there. It helped the sale. The screen needed a good once over though. It looks good now after a cleaning.

The new ones are selling like hot cakes. Fuzz, Sawz, Adam and any moment now Rick too have ordered those 64" 8500 for around $2500. Last of a dying breed.

I had to laugh when I started moving TV's and mounts around. The boards I have on the living room wall, under the mount are such overkill. The good thing is that they bump the new fixed mount out. Installing the mount with a couple of degrees of tilt pushes the bottom of the TV back toward the wall. Pretty cool how that worked out. Over all it's a much sleeker look without the tilting mount plus the 7000 is so much thinner. Here in RI it's all about staying stylish.
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Kind of makes me sick looking at those prices. I still got my 50" Pioneer Elite Pro which is only 720 and sold for $6999.00 at BB. I did get a great deal at that time and paid $4850.00. I still enjoy it and will hang on to it till it dies. Besides Alex did a great job wall mounting it. It's going on 11 years and still works great.


Audioholic Spartan
Kind of makes me sick looking at those prices. I still got my 50" Pioneer Elite Pro which is only 720 and sold for $6999.00 at BB. I did get a great deal at that time and paid $4850.00. I still enjoy it and will hang on to it till it dies. Besides Alex did a great job wall mounting it. It's going on 11 years and still works great.
Walter, as you know I have the same TV. We really like it and will move it upstairs.
Was talking to an electronics repair friend. Says they were built very well and they rarely have problems.


Audioholic Spartan

Value Electronics
has them available Rickster for the same sale price as Amazon.
Thanks Rob, unfortunately they sold out over the weekend.:(
They're very nice guys to deal with, helpful too.


Audioholic Slumlord
Walter, as you know I have the same TV. We really like it and will move it upstairs.
And the one from upstairs is going out the window? Even your Pioneer is likely well over 100 lbs. Maybe Fuzz' g/f can help you move it. Fuzz is probably gonna need some quiet time after you guys 'work something out'.

I think you really need the 64" upgrade.

You're gonna love this. I hang the 59" in the living room only to discover the hdmi is too short. I put the TV back on the floor and managed to actually pull the cables through that garbled mess. It was a little messier than that but after the vacuum got put away I felt like a man's man until Chery came home and gave me sh!t for not doing the dishes.


Audioholic Spartan
And the one from upstairs is going out the window? Even your Pioneer is likely well over 100 lbs. Maybe Fuzz' g/f can help you move it. Fuzz is probably gonna need some quiet time after you guys 'work something out'.
I was going to wrap it in a tarp and whack it with my softball bat.
The Pioneer is 74lbs but I think that includes the base stand. It didn't feel that heavy when I mounted it.

I forgot to ask Fuzz if his girlfriend was Asian. I don't want to appear completely uncouth, so if you would ask him for me...?
Sounds like he's spending all of his ring money anyway.

I think you really need the 64" upgrade.
They just ran out of the 64" this weekend. I wasn't on the forum much Sat & Sun, can't believe I missed this thread.
Had my hopes up too. I was measuring and everything:p

You're gonna love this. I hang the 59" in the living room only to discover the hdmi is too short. I put the TV back on the floor and managed to actually pull the cables through that garbled mess. It was a little messier than that but after the vacuum got put away I felt like a man's man until Chery came home and gave me sh!t for not doing the dishes.
Just as I was finally understanding why it was called Mantown..... you went and mentioned doing dishes. :D
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Cr@p. My wife fell skiing today and broke her tibia. Not a bad break and better than an ACL injury but still really stinks. Due to our daughters dance schedule she has not been able to ski on the weekends so she went out today for a few runs. Hooked an edge on the sticky snow and it spun her around and slammed her down. If all goes well she should be back on skies in 4-6 weeks if I can keep her off the leg. Bumming.


Audioholic Overlord
Cr@p. My wife fell skiing today and broke her tibia. Not a bad break and better than an ACL injury but still really stinks. Due to our daughters dance schedule she has not been able to ski on the weekends so she went out today for a few runs. Hooked an edge on the sticky snow and it spun her around and slammed her down. If all goes well she should be back on skies in 4-6 weeks if I can keep her off the leg. Bumming.

I'm sure even with a broken leg she's a better skier than me. I wish her the best.

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