Yah, he may have had a little problem with the difference between truth and fantasy... It reminds me of a post I seen on the sniper forum a while back, a kid {probably about 25} posted {on facebook} that he just came from the doctors and he had cancer and was going to have to get treatment, bla bla bla.. I bunch of people gave condolences and showed him a bunch of attention, then the kids father posted that is what complete BS, and the fall out was hilarious. I can see someone that is 15 stretching the truth a little to make themselves look like a "big shot" but someone past say 21 should be secure enough by then to not need that kind of attention, and I don't see what he would get out of it?
Oh' Well he was funny and it was entertaining to decipher his english, he must have some personal issues he is going through to be so insecure that he had to make up a fake life to try and fit in with this crowd, lol.. I bunch of guys gathering on an internet forum to talk about stereo equipment!!! I could see if it was a forum of female models and he was trying to make his feathers bigger and brighter but to try and impress this group of "degenerate know it alls" is insane...

I wish him luck, and hopefully if the person he was on here is who he really wants to be someday {minus the entire "I got shot" thing, that I want to go on record as saying I was skeptical of} I hope he gets there...
I remember reading his posts about how dangerous the job he was going to do was and thinking "he's going to post that he got shot" and then sure enough, he posted it, that is bad karma, I know guys who have been shot and thats not a good thing to joke around about, especially this day in age, the whole "I have an 11K sq ft home, $100K sports car, bad ass elcamino clone, bad ass stereo system, ect" can be forgiven but all of us showing concern for someone that was never shot is kind of evil...
I still like him and forgive him and would welcome him back as the "real" him, if I had to guess I would say hes a 25 year old, with very little education, living with his parents, confused about where he is going next, with big dreams but no idea on how to get there due to the hand he was dealt... There is no shame in that, this is a tough time to be growing up, not a lot of money out there and money is king right now, years ago it wasn't as much but todays youth REALLY focuses on wealth...
I don't know, maybe I am way off and don't know what the FK I am talking about and he just wanted to fk with us for a couple years...