Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord
Nah he just doesn't like smart ass people that try and be little him.
I don't care if you don't like me. I like you anyway and it's good to see that your period is back. :D

C'mon dude, lighten up. The weekend is upon us. Have a few pints and a few laughs. I didn't mean any harm. I apologize.


Audioholic Warlord
It used to be busy 4-5 years ago, but hardly anyone knew about it, they don't advertise it like they should, Mass, CT, RI, NY, NJ, there is a lot of money in these areas and the cat was a nice little vacation, that boat was FAST, and NS is a gorgeous place to visit...
Yeah, the cat was fast, but expensive to operate. So now, it's quite a bit quicker to drive than to take the ferry, not to mention much cheaper. We drove down to Portland last summer and quite enjoyed the trip. Maine is nice - a lot like Nova Scotia, but with a lot more people. I have to say though, "Freeport" is a gross misnomer. There were no great deals to be had...:mad:

Yes, the Cabot Trail is a great drive, but my wife gets motion sickness with little provocation, so the hills and turns aren't fun for her.


Audioholic Warlord
After giving it some more thought, I told my wife to go ahead and book the Toronto trip (shut-up, Rick:D) - just don't tell me the cost. We can afford it, but I'm the frugal one in the family. I'm sure it'll be great fun...she'll try to get tickets when the Pittsburgh Penguins are in town, which means it should be a fast, free-flowing game.


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm bored. Waiting for crew to start installing new water treatment system and run gas line to grill (last one im quite excited about)

Yesterday I spent best $70 of my life and NO - it wasn't for any sexual favors !

It was to clean the pipes.

I mean it - get your heads out of the gutter !

The air duct pipes from clothes drier to the roof - The tech had to climb the roof to unclog the vent - it was completely clogged - no wonder drier used to work like crap.

Now its like brand new - thank god I don't need to buy new dryer.
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Audioholic Spartan
I don't care if you don't like me. I like you anyway and it's good to see that your period is back. :D

C'mon dude, lighten up. The weekend is upon us. Have a few pints and a few laughs. I didn't mean any harm. I apologize.

Who are you and what have you done with Alex!?:D

It's as if Alex just found out Bryce loves to bake chocolate cakes and send them gratis to the USA. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
Gosh, Just as I loved work and price the contractor who cleaned the dryer vent yesterday - today whole different story.

I got assured the price of install ($1200) is so high is due high amount of labor involved. To run gas pipe 35ft outside at 18" deep, another 10-15' in the unfinished basement - aka super easy
I was told it would need 3 people and day and half of work - I get it - it's quite a lot of man/hours and cost,


Reality is quite different: So far the progress is a follows: Water system is all done. Gas line is 90% done. Mostly waiting now for the company owner to arrive and finish up few things.
One guy was here for 4.5 hours. Second guy is still here from 10am - but my intuition somehow tells that his labor is quite cheap since he barely speak english and was born south of the border.

So 4.5 hours at say, $30/hour for one guy = $130 . Something like $15/hour for the Mexican = $100 - Granted the owner will be here to finish the rest - no additional labor cost, only profits.
So, My guess - and I think I am being generous with materials cost about $200 - comes out to about $750 profit?? Really? No freaking way


Audioholic Spartan
Gosh, Just as I loved work and price the contractor who cleaned the dryer vent yesterday - today whole different story.

I got assured the price of install ($1200) is so high is due high amount of labor involved. To run gas pipe 35ft outside at 18" deep, another 10-15' in the unfinished basement - aka super easy
I was told it would need 3 people and day and half of work - I get it - it's quite a lot of man/hours and cost,


Reality is quite different: So far the progress is a follows: Water system is all done. Gas line is 90% done. Mostly waiting now for the company owner to arrive and finish up few things.
One guy was here for 4.5 hours. Second guy is still here from 10am - but my intuition somehow tells that his labor is quite cheap since he barely speak english and was born south of the border.

So 4.5 hours at say, $30/hour for one guy = $130 . Something like $15/hour for the Mexican = $100 - Granted the owner will be here to finish the rest - no additional labor cost, only profits.
So, My guess - and I think I am being generous with materials cost about $200 - comes out to about $750 profit?? Really? No freaking way
Other than shopping around prices and contractors.
You'd have to ask if you could have realistically done the job yourself.
There are a lot of specialty tools involved, depending on what type of pipe that was run, coring through basement wall, etc.

Welcome to being a homeowner!
Enjoy the new house.


Audioholic Slumlord
Other than shopping around prices and contractors.
You'd have to ask if you could have realistically done the job yourself.
There are a lot of specialty tools involved, depending on what type of pipe that was run, coring through basement wall, etc.

Welcome to being a homeowner!
Enjoy the new house.
Thanks. I did shop around, but finding good water treatment contractor around here is not that easy at all.
My problem is not so much with cost itself, but with different in expected man/hours vs actual ones.The guy (owner) seemed honest enough and I usually have a good BS meter for that sort of things.

That said, I do realize now I should not let him do the gas line too and shop more around - since this is something every self respecting plummer could do.

I found in this post how back in 2011 very similar water system was quoted $1400 vs my cost of $2000 (my is impression plus - I don't how much it different in price from regular Impression)
Water-Right Impression Series - Plumbing Forum - GardenWeb

I will ask the owner later today


Audioholic Slumlord
So it's Friday night. I'm a happening guy. The sound of my record skipping makes me realize that it's a good thing I'm listening to vinyl as it forces me to get up and straighten my back out because it hurts from doing that 7 speaker wire swap ... here:



Audioholic Samurai
Found the song I've been looking for for the past couple of weeks. Victory is mine!

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Audioholic Samurai
Gosh, Just as I loved work and price the contractor who cleaned the dryer vent yesterday - today whole different story.

I got assured the price of install ($1200) is so high is due high amount of labor involved. To run gas pipe 35ft outside at 18" deep, another 10-15' in the unfinished basement - aka super easy
I was told it would need 3 people and day and half of work - I get it - it's quite a lot of man/hours and cost,


Reality is quite different: So far the progress is a follows: Water system is all done. Gas line is 90% done. Mostly waiting now for the company owner to arrive and finish up few things.
One guy was here for 4.5 hours. Second guy is still here from 10am - but my intuition somehow tells that his labor is quite cheap since he barely speak english and was born south of the border.

So 4.5 hours at say, $30/hour for one guy = $130 . Something like $15/hour for the Mexican = $100 - Granted the owner will be here to finish the rest - no additional labor cost, only profits.
So, My guess - and I think I am being generous with materials cost about $200 - comes out to about $750 profit?? Really? No freaking way
At that price/cost I think a permit and pressure test are in order just to cover your investment , make sure it is all legit and signed off by local plumbing inspector , especially the additional gas line. just my .02


Sorry Alex didn't mean to snap at you.
I don't bake cakes that's Adam and Irvs wife.


Audioholic Jedi
...that's Adam and Irvs wife.
I almost came out of that looking like a man. If only I didn't have my apron on when I read that.

That said, I might weld something this weekend. Put another way, I might temporarily blind myself mere instants before catching on fire.


Audioholic Ninja
Gosh, Just as I loved work and price the contractor who cleaned the dryer vent yesterday - today whole different story.

I got assured the price of install ($1200) is so high is due high amount of labor involved. To run gas pipe 35ft outside at 18" deep, another 10-15' in the unfinished basement - aka super easy
I was told it would need 3 people and day and half of work - I get it - it's quite a lot of man/hours and cost,


Reality is quite different: So far the progress is a follows: Water system is all done. Gas line is 90% done. Mostly waiting now for the company owner to arrive and finish up few things.
One guy was here for 4.5 hours. Second guy is still here from 10am - but my intuition somehow tells that his labor is quite cheap since he barely speak english and was born south of the border.

So 4.5 hours at say, $30/hour for one guy = $130 . Something like $15/hour for the Mexican = $100 - Granted the owner will be here to finish the rest - no additional labor cost, only profits.
So, My guess - and I think I am being generous with materials cost about $200 - comes out to about $750 profit?? Really? No freaking way

Man, you are tough, lol...

So they are installing a water treatment system, gas ine to your grill, and cleaned the dryer vent all for $1200? That doesn't sound terrible to me..
For example, I am going over my slips from today, I just got home and the end of the week I take the weeks invoices and go through them to make sure there is not anything crazy in there, like a free boiler or $20 cleaning that should be $200 {these things have happened}...

For example- emp3 and 6 left the shop in a single vehicle {just a service truck} at 7:42 arrived at customers property at 8:14 and left at 1:51, arrived at their second job at 2:11, their work description reads, "
repaired domestic water line stop valve, shut water feed at curb stop, drained water below level, removed and repaired stop with teflon packing and replacement valve stem
Drained and removed electric water heater tank, model Rheem xsa40
Installed American Water Heater Model HPE10260H045DV 60 ga hybrid model
Set units pressures and tested function, A+
cleaned and removed old tank, all packing materials and trash from the site"

The total on that invoice is $3789 {$2000 of that is taxable so $140 of that is tax}, the tank cost me $1020 other materials around $250, the labor and transportation cost me around $600, figure 2 guys for 6 hours so its 12 man hours at $50 per hour {one is just a helper, but after adding in the truck and their entire pay package it is all of $50 an hour}, so just going off them numbers the job profit is just under $1800. I think that is about fair, considering they are driving a $40K truck with $10K in tools $5K instock, insurance, licences, they left my building in the morning that cost me $750K, ect ect ect, that stuff adds up, it has to come from somewhere..

I hate when customers do this to me, it doesn't happen much anymore, but when I used to do the work myself with a helper, and was small, I would install an oil fired boiler for say $5000, it was $2500 of materials, leaving $2500 for me, but that had to go towards my expenses and my income. Now I would deliver the boiler the day before the job, then go and install it, the installs take me with a single helper around 7 hours for the basic swap out, start to finish all cleaned up...

Well, I had a few customers come out with their calculators and say "hey I called and I can get that boiler for $1400, you charged me $5000 so you are making $3600 and was here for 7 hours, I am not paying you over $500 an hour!!!' and I had really good prices when I started, no one installs boilers for $5K around here, and I do really nice wrok with really nice units and materials, no corners cut, you get a nice finished product... I dealt with them in all different ways I would say, "Ill pull it out and you can hire someone else, you think it wen tin fast watch how fast it will go back on my truck" or some customers I would explain it to them about other materials and over head, some needed to see that I could put a lean on their property and they wont be able to sell it until I get paid and interest and legal fees {that happened once, and his poor daughter ended up paying after he passed away because the probate judge awarded us $9K over what he owed for some reason, I offered her a credit but she said she didn't want it, it was a weird situation...

BUT ANYWAY, if they did good work and you agreed on the price before they started, they did it by the book, you kind of don't have a leg to stand on, the price sounds good to me, I wouldn't dig the trench for that kind of money never mind pipe it, I get $60 a foot for buried gas lines and $20 for exposed indoors, BUT it is done by the book, permit pulled, lawn cut and rolled back, run the trencher through a single pass and hand dig as little as possible, run the plastic gas line with the detectable tracer wire and yellow gas caution tape, use steel risers at the grill and a steel riser or steel termination at the house, psi test it, back fill it under pressure, run all the threaded steel pipe in the house {I don't use csst, we do steel pipe only for gas, some lp get copper but that is rare..}, reinstall your lawn, blow off the grass and clean it all up... Unless the inspector comes that day you have to lay it all out, wait for them to come back and then back fill it after they sign off on the permit.... Its a lot of work and a lot of materials...


Audioholic Ninja
I almost came out of that looking like a man. If only I didn't have my apron on when I read that.

That said, I might weld something this weekend. Put another way, I might temporarily blind myself mere instants before catching on fire.
I love welding, it is one of the manliest things a human can do, you make 2 pieces of metal 1 piece of metal. I don't know, as soon as I turn on the argon canister to my miller mig I know I am only moments away from that feeling, then I grab the gun and test pull the wire feed, "she feeds", pull down my helmet and put fire and filler on the seam, "shhhhhhh, it's ok I am here now, I'll fix ya"....


Audioholic Ninja
Found the song I've been looking for for the past couple of weeks. Victory is mine!


Are you serious that is the hakuna matata song, hurry up and lose that thing again, that vide is depressing as FK too... What is wrong with you? :D go listen to some pick floyd, its easy to find..
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