Holy crap! Man glad your injury is relatively minor.
Why didn't the a airbag deploy?
8 accidents in 8 years! Perhaps you weren't legally at fault, but are you also 100% beyond reproach? If not, you need to be more vigilant of bad drivers around you.
For the airbag, see above
I don't have exact dates on my accident history, but most of them seemed to be fairly unavoidable except for a few:
1) This actually might have been closer to ten years ago rather than eight. Completely my fault. It was late and I was tired. I was new to driving. I was leaving my friend's house and I backed into his girlfriend's car

Fairly minor damage though.
2) Maybe 8 years ago, I was in my sister's car with my dad driving. We were rear ended at a red light. Not much we could have done about it. Minor accident.
3) August 25, 2006. I was on my way to work, driving about 45 mph. Some girl pulled out right in front of me. Slammed on my brakes but it wasn't enough. Slammed into her and totaled my car. Couldn't have gone anywhere because to my left was a full lane of cars and to my right was buildings. My first major accident.
4) August 31, 2006. Driving my grandparents' Jeep Liberty. Rear ended at a decent speed by a drunk, 500 feet from my house. I accelerated when I saw her coming but it was too late. I was beyond furious with her. I was coming back from class at night and it was the one day I had forgotten my cellphone at my house, so I couldn't call the cops. She also gave me false information. It was taken care of in the end. She left her bumper with license plate attached in the middle of the street. I moved it to the grass. Relatively major accident. Couple thousand dollars worth of damage to the Jeep.
5) Unsure about the date, but it was a few years ago. Was in a large group of people backing up on the highway to exit (there was a major accident ahead and the highway was shut down). Somebody backed into me. Couldn't have done much about it, but it was minor so no big deal.
6) At least 4 or 5 years ago. My fault. I tapped somebody for not moving at a green light. Dunno if it qualifies as an accident since there was no damage. I was honking and honking and they refused to move. I tapped them. Shouldn't have done that of course (I've calmed down since then).
7) This was about 2 years ago. On my way to work. Was at an intersection behind a truck, waiting to turn left (in the left of two left turn lanes). A large truck (car hauler) was turning left in the right lane and the truck I was behind got scared that he was going to hit him during the turn so he backed up. Directly into me.
8) This recent accident.
I don't know if it counts as an accident but my 2006 Hyundai Sonata (~66,700 miles) blew up January 2nd, 2013.