That sounds horrible, almost a hangover medicine

Been drinking a lot of water and taking C for a week. The coughing is mainly in the morning when I hop in the hot shower and everything breaks up and comes out (ick) Today though, I started spitting blood which seems to be coming from my sinus and it was in the tissue when blowing my nose too. Probably from blowing my nose so much.
Not dead set against the doctor, but the doctor always says the same thing? 7-10 days is normal. THANKS, you charged me money to tell me something I already knew and prescribed me something that is the same as what I can get over the counter and take 2x of instead of paying $100 for cough medicine? When coughing up green stuff, the doctor can only treat symptoms not fix it IMO, unless you have a fever too. No fever or other major symptoms, so presumably it is just one of those you have to rest, make yourself comfortable and fight it out. Have not resorted to Mucinex yet, but looks like I have to.