Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
My life seems so boring now. :eek:

Okay, maybe "now" isn't the right word. Well, or "seems."


Audioholic General
My life seems so boring now. :eek:

Okay, maybe "now" isn't the right word. Well, or "seems."
Hahahaha! I made it clear to here from week two that her being open minded is crucial. I don't intend to sit ideally by and watch other people have fun while I wish I was them. She knows my....erm...tastes...and while she might not be thrilled about all of them, she is willing to be open minded. I can't ask for much more than that. I'm sure she'll love the ferret costume, though. How could you not? :D


Audioholic Slumlord
if she wants to bring a dude bunny she knows she is more than welcome to do so.
Doug just shot up out of his chair. :D

She knows my....erm...tastes...
Many thanks for the ambiguity ... freak. :p

Kinda slow on the draw there, man.
Yeah, I guess so. Not sure what happened there.

The RG-59 I want to use isn't accepting the Home Depot compression connectors that I have. I'm not ready to solder RCA connectors to the RG-59. Why is it that my preferred RG-59 with the solid copper center conductor is about a millimeter narrower than my copper covered steel core center conductor wire? Are there no standards for RG-59? I guess it's back to using Monster Cable. Oh well ...


Audioholic Slumlord
Does nobody care about my cable woes? People, this is a f^%&ing crisis! :D

Yeah, go right ahead, keep sleeping. I'm over here running wire ... alone.

eff you guys. you say cable matters but your sleep screams the truth.


Audioholic Jedi
I use screw-on connectors from Radio Shack.

Does the narrower cable have less shielding? Also, are you sure that one isn't RG6?


Audioholic Spartan
Monk, Don't get excited...I quit the Furry scene years ago before it was so mainstream. I wasn't a bunny either...women dig donkeys.;)

Watch those virgins...They like to fall in love.:D


Audioholic Warlord
All this talk of virgins and furry suits.........I thought I clicked on the wrong tab for moment :eek:

Then again, I guess this unites two things I like, so can't be too bad :D


Audioholic Warlord
I finally got bassbox pro working, no thanks to HT audio. Just had to run a compatibility check on it. Anywho, I've been doing some modeling and experimenting and I think that when I finally move the heck out of where I am (someday) I'm going to ditch the LMS Ultras when I take everything apart to paint the cab and replace them with SI 18 inchers. Then I can buy another LMS Ultra and make my own Triax.....or maybe I should 3 more and make a pentagon.

In the meantime back to trying to find good driver for a mini-sub for computer.


Audioholic Jedi
I was wondering what you would suggest for a sound system for people who listen to Beethoven's 9th Symphony everyday, just that one piece of music.
Definitely get some room treatments. Soft, padded, full coverage treatments. White's a nice color.


Audioholic Jedi
I was only kidding, of course, but after seeing that he's buying a system to play for his elderly mother...I feel even more douchey. :eek: :D


Audioholic Warlord
I like the second one a LOT better. :) Although the other guys here probably like the third... :D
I figured you would, but I recall someone saying this was a family orientated site :p

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