Since I moved here over 12.5 years ago, the Safeway grocery store has (to the best of my knowledge) had plain chicken breasts for sale at the butcher section. So, for Niki and my anniversary, I was going to get her one. I stop at the store, swing by to grab one, and...there weren't any. There were marinated chicken breasts, and chicken breasts stuffed with something (I couldn't tell what) with asparagus - but no plain chicken. So, I ask if they have any, and I was told that Safeway decided to not carry them any more. Ummm, what? They still carry the frozen ones. Oh, sorry, the "lightly chilled" ones - lightly chilled must be the new phrase for frozen. To add insult to injury, they didn't have any of the extra lean ground turkey that I always get. WTF, I say.
Eh, Niki seemed quite happy with the deli turkey and ham - and the farm fresh (from my buddy who's daughter raises chickens) scrambed eggs.