Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Spartan
Can we get a round of applause for our paid posters? They'll be along shortly starting with ... GMIKE !!! :D

I'm off to work. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Thanks for thinking of me first, but it is a little creepy.


Audioholic Spartan
It is Valentines day... I usually don't like covers, but this one might be better than than the original.. This goes out to Doug and Rick.. from eachother...
It's all fun & games until Doug insists on slow dancing in his underwear.
I'm sure I don't have to explain to anyone here what that's like. NTTAWWT


Audioholics Five-0
High point of the week (so far).

The wife and I went bowling the other day; naturally she wiped the floor with me (her high score was 140something whereas I cruise around the 100 mark). However, going in to the alley, we had agreed to use fake names, specifically Han and Leia. Of course, she didn't remember this was an alley where the attendant enters the name in the system for you. I was first up, and since I have cojones, I confidently stated my name as Han for the guy. Much to my dismay, the wife wussed out... So really, who won that day? I daresay you can't be much of a bowler if you don't have any balls :D


Audioholic Overlord
Damn...I just had the best day of Sales I have ever had. I hit my monthly quota at 11:00 am today and already half drunk. Heck, I'm in such a good mood that I will pay for lsiberian's drinks and dinner if I see him at Fireside tonight....
You might see me there tonight. You're welcome to pay for us. :p Seriously I'm gonna try to get the wife there tonight.


Audioholic Slumlord
Do or do not. There is no try.

Your friendly neighborhood Jedi.

Btw, that applies regardless of "where" you're trying to get her to... :D

That should read 'at' ... and I don't think it would be good to try to get her 'there' in a restaurant but I want to wish him luck. Getting her to agree to that there would earn my highest respect.
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Audioholic Overlord
I have given much thought to the trying part of my previous post. I should have clarified the asteroid has hit. Many of the roads are blocked and a haze is in the air. It's possible we may be attacked by the zombies on the way to said restaurant. Otherwise we will be at this place. One can never count out a zombie apocalypse.


Audioholic Slumlord
I have given much thought to the trying part of my previous post. I should have clarified the asteroid has hit. Many of the roads are blocked and a haze is in the air. It's possible we may be attacked by the zombies on the way to said restaurant. Otherwise we will be at this place. One can never count out a zombie apocalypse.
You are going to need a cab. He's going to get your wife drunk first. Don't go to the bathroom with him.

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