Be a better you !
If you believe that your best days are ahead of you, then you’ll find a creative solution to even the worst circumstance. If you believe that people aren’t intentionally trying to hurt you, then you’ll tend to give more second chances and receive them. If you believe that you are worth fighting for then you’ll find a way to keep going — no matter the effort required.
You can put on a happy face temporarily when you’re in front of the right people, but your attitude is what determines the decisions that no one else sees until it’s too late.
Your attitude is what ultimately determines if you achieve your goals or if you fall short. You can’t fake it. You can’t pretend like everything is okay. Your attitude colors the world around around you. It changes the sights and sounds. It makes you believe what you want to believe.
So if what you want to see and hear and feel is hate and fear and frustration then chances are you’ll find it all too easily. But if you want to find the brightest parts of the universe around you, then that is what you will find. Your attitude will lead you there.