Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Did some wiring today, got the 7.2 up and running. Word to the wise, doing wiring jobs with a sore neck can be a huge pain in the @ss. Also, I should probably blame Adam for mentioning Nachos so much lately, since I broke down and had nachos for dinner tonight :)
On a Saturday ? Dedication to the systeam!!! Adam and his nachos


Audioholic General
On a Saturday ? Dedication to the systeam!!! Adam and his nachos
I'ts still friday here, but I'm in the middle of a 4 day weekend :) With the amount of overtime I generally put in I'm far more likely to get stuff down around the house on a weekend anyways, haha.


Audioholic Jedi
Have you prepared Niki for combat?
That's what all the roadkill bunnies are for. Give her a taste for zombie-like flesh.

Third review down is fitting with the topic of this thread. One can only imagine how much free time that guy must have.
Hahaha...woah, wait...what? :confused: :)

My wife and I just watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It's the only one of the HP movies I have seen. Looking forward to seeing the rest now.
It's even better in the original Philosopher's Stone. ;) :D

(J/K. Same movie, except every scene where someone said "Sorcerer's Stone" was filmed twice, one in which they said "Philosopher's Stone." That's because the original book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, in every country but the U.S. where publishers thought that kids wouldn't like it.)

Haha I see :D
Im watching Paint dry that's fun
You did watch the very end, right? Juicin' an apple. That's the money shot, babeee.

Also, I should probably blame Adam for mentioning Nachos so much lately...
Woah, now. I never said nachos. I said chips and salsa. I am blame free. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Hmmm. Now I kind of feel like nachos. :D

I remember in college, they'd serve nachos in the dorm cafeteria after lunch service shutdown. So, if we showed up at the right time, we could get lunch and then wait for them to put out the nachos. On the days that they served grilled cheese and chili for lunch, and then we'd get nachos, my friends and I called that, "the best of both worlds." Yeah, maybe I didn't need much to make me happy, but my gosh, I loved those days. :)


Audioholic General
Hmmm. Now I kind of feel like nachos. :D

I remember in college, they'd serve nachos in the dorm cafeteria after lunch service shutdown. So, if we showed up at the right time, we could get lunch and then wait for them to put out the nachos. On the days that they served grilled cheese and chili for lunch, and then we'd get nachos, my friends and I called that, "the best of both worlds." Yeah, maybe I didn't need much to make me happy, but my gosh, I loved those days. :)
Seems like the best of both worlds would involve beer. The best of 3 worlds, perhaps?


Audioholic General
It was a more innocent time. :)

Well, that, and I don't tend to like to drink beer while eating.

That's where I get my best eating in. I'm one of those naturally skinny people who can eat whatever they want and not gain a pound. I know, everyone hates me, but I also tend to just constantly snack through out a day without any big meals which I think helps. Get a couple beer in me and it's a whole different ball game though, haha.


Audioholic Jedi
I should clarify. The only time that I could eat whatever I wanted was back when I was working out for two hours a day. I was a chunky kid through early grade school, and I didn't like it. So, I learned control. In college, I didn't have to worry about it because I was so active. Nowadays, I'm back to being more sensible about what I eat. Well, this past week excepted. :D


Audioholic General
I should clarify. The only time that I could eat whatever I wanted was back when I was working out for two hours a day. I was a chunky kid through early grade school, and I didn't like it. So, I learned control. In college, I didn't have to worry about it because I was so active. Nowadays, I'm back to being more sensible about what I eat. Well, this past week excepted. :D
The only things I've consumed today are golden grahams, milk, BBQ wings, nachos, salsa, coke, and water. I'm 27. Like I said, I'm lucky, haha. My 8 year old self loves my diet today.
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Audioholic Jedi
Speaking of age, this old man needs to get to bed. Well, mostly because Niki will want to get up in about six hours. :)

Have a great night!


You did watch the very end, right? Juicin' an apple. That's the money shot, babeee.
Nope i had the taste for
Freshly squeezed orange juice :D love my orange squeezers has to be the best part of the kitchen


Audioholic Jedi
Mike C., dropping the mod hammer on another would-be spammer.

You guys rock. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Did some wiring today, got the 7.2 up and running. Word to the wise, doing wiring jobs with a sore neck can be a huge pain in the @ss. Also, I should probably blame Adam for mentioning Nachos so much lately, since I broke down and had nachos for dinner tonight :)
I guess I don't need to ask where your head is....:D

Adam, I can't believe you let that go by without comment. Are you feeling OK?


Audioholic Jedi
Adam, I can't believe you let that go by without comment. Are you feeling OK?
Oh, the shame of it all. :eek:

It wasn't fair, though! He distracted me by falsely accusing me of mentioning nachos, and that took my attention away from the point-blank innuendo. Well played, Brian. Well played. :D


Oh, the shame of it all. :eek:

It wasn't fair, though! He distracted me by falsely accusing me of mentioning nachos, and that took my attention away from the point-blank innuendo. Well played, Brian. Well played. :D
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