Really Boring Stuff Only II: Return of the Boredom

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Audioholic Jedi
And now, a good-natured long distance dedication to...well, if you have to ask... :D

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Audioholic Jedi
It's staggering just how little I got done during my four-week vacation.

Back to work tomorrow.


Audioholic Samurai
So, I haven't bought any eggs in months. Same for any dairy products. I've been trying to educate myself on which animal products to buy based on humane treatment of the animals. I came across an article today on caged versus cage free versus free range chickens, and I'm pretty sure that unless I raise the chickens, I'm not going to have any freaking idea how the chickens are handled because there aren't any farms near me that I could go see.

Long story slightly shorter...I decided to buy eggs at Safeway today. I walk down there, round the corner to the egg section, and...the entire section (and only that section) is walled off from floor to ceiling! No eggs to be seen anywhere. It's a sign, I tell you.
I don't know much about electronics and have taken way more than I have given here on the AH forum, but I do know about things like this. Feel free to ask any questions.
Here is a site that can help you find humanely raised grass fed/free range meat in by state

Eat Wild

Also, of all places, Target carries meat form this farm.

Thousand Hills Cattle Company Grass Fed Beef

One of the better organic foods companies is Full Circle. They have true free range eggs. Egglands best is also a good/reputable company for eggs.


Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, man! I was perusing the Eat Wild website last week, which is how I found the grassfed beef ranch in Arizona. I'm a bit bummed that they haven't replied to my e-mail from last week, but I'll try again.

I did not know that Target carried that brand! I'll have to go check closer. I was looking at their meat section this weekend, but I wasn't sure what to look for. I didn't see any packages labeled as "pastured" or "grassfed" or "humane," though.

There seem to be some great companies out there, but Arizona doesn't have much local that I can find. At least as of five years ago, there were cattle being raised about a mile away...I don't know much about it, though.


Audioholic Ninja
It's staggering just how little I got done during my four-week vacation.

Back to work tomorrow.
Its staggering just how little I got done during my work week. Back to it again tomorrow.

I might need a self-help book on not being so dag-gum lazy. I'll look into that when I have less time.


Audioholic Overlord
There seem to be some great companies out there, but Arizona doesn't have much local that I can find. At least as of five years ago, there were cattle being raised about a mile away...I don't know much about it, though.
I'd imagine you get pretty good quality stuff in the standard grocery areas. That being said grain fed cows aren't bad either.
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