Hey Dave, I just got through tracking down my BIA SACD to listen to Track 3 in Mantown and I could see what you mean about the detail of the acoustic guitar that was missing on the BeoLab 5. It's right at the beginning of the tune. Obviously when Time Magazine awarded them the Product of the Year Award they had not heard of the Dayton BR-1's coupled with a $36 fleabay sub driven by an antiquated H/K rec'r and used $50 Denon DVD 2200. I think my system may sound better than one costing roughly 112.5 times more ... and I included the cost of wires and installation. Can they match that?
Okay ... their display does smoke mine.
Note: We stopped at a Bang & Olufsen where the sales dude was nice
enough to demo a $45,000 set up for us. They had BIA on their server.
Oh yeah, their speakers have some sort of Adaptive Bass Control (ABC)
which might account for the different sound signature of different tracks.