Read this if you're thinking Onkyo



Audioholic General
Since the OP hasn't posted anything but the original post, I'm wondering if this isn't just someone trying to make Onkyo look bad, or if it's legit.
I was thinking this myself.

For the most part, I don't consider divulged information terribly credible unless they've been here for a while (at least a couple months) and have had more than 20-30 posts that aren't just filler... -TD


Audioholic General
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...

I saw that one too a few days ago and started thinking that as well. Yet another odd one I've seen recently was this thread dogging Samsung for plasma burn-in, then the same OP having a brand new 863 go belly up on them here.

I'm not sure if these people are just terribly unlucky or have a propensity to shoot themselves in the foot w/electronics... -TD


Audioholic Ninja
I sent a 605 to the repair center because the processor was malfunctioning. I'll save you the details. The repair center said the unit was within specifications and returned it to me. I dumped it on ebay and replaced it with a sweet-running Pioneer VSX92. These Onkyo units are long on features and short on performance, I'm afraid.

Sorry you had such a problem. My advise is lick your wounds, buy a better receiver and then dump your Onkyo on eBay whenever you can get it back from the service center. The good news is that they have excellent resale value. The reviewers are still raving about them and the resale values will hold for as long as that happens.


Audioholic General
So you knowingly sold a receiver that was having a problem? Did you disclose this on your listing?


Audioholic Ninja
So you knowingly sold a receiver that was having a problem? Did you disclose this on your listing?

Not that it's any of your busines but the service center reported that the unit was within specifications. Remember?
Jack Hammer

Jack Hammer

Audioholic Field Marshall
Since the OP hasn't posted anything but the original post, I'm wondering if this isn't just someone trying to make Onkyo look bad, or if it's legit.
Yeah, I kind of get that feeling too. The fact that the only activity here from the OP was this one post bashing Onkyo, almost 10 days ago, makes me leery of how legit it may be. Or if it did happen, how accurate his accounting of the events is.



Audioholic General
Not that it's any of your busines but the service center reported that the unit was within specifications. Remember?
You're right, it wasn't any of my business, then you made a point to mention you had this receiver that was having problems and sold it on eBay. What'd you want, a cookie for offering shady advice?

It's sellers that have that type of attitude that makes eBay a sketchy place to buy things. Honestly, how would you feel if you read that someone you recently purchased something from did the same kind of thing? I know I'd be pretty pissed if I found out that a seller knowingly sold an item with a problem, yet neglected to disclose it.

I'm not trying to be the morality police, but if you're going to put something like that out in the open, don't expect a pat on the back for it... -TD


Audioholic Ninja
You're right, it wasn't any of my business, then you made a point to mention you had this receiver that was having problems and sold it on eBay. What'd you want, a cookie for offering shady advice?

It's sellers that have that type of attitude that makes eBay a sketchy place to buy things. Honestly, how would you feel if you read that someone you recently purchased something from did the same kind of thing? I know I'd be pretty pissed if I found out that a seller knowingly sold an item with a problem, yet neglected to disclose it.

I'm not trying to be the morality police, but if you're going to put something like that out in the open, don't expect a pat on the back for it... -TD

Cookie? I was giving somone some honest advice. I think you are making some accusations based solely on assumptions you made and I don't think you'll get far with me in that manner. So go pester someone else.

As to eBay - yes, it is a cesspool and people who buy there should know better.


Tom you are correct ..

.... I know I'd be pretty pissed if I found out that a seller knowingly sold an item with a problem, yet neglected to disclose it.

Not everyone in this day and age is completely honest or ethical, yet they expect everyone else to be a saint! double standard!

The old trite saying is still true "Honesty is the Best Policy".

It's a wonder how some people can sleep at night!


Audioholic General
I know there are low-lifes out there that feel if they can get away with it and that they somehow won out. I'm not making any accusations of anyone here or anywhere else, but I treat anything I sell on eBay in the same manner that I would here, AudiogoN, HTF or anywhere else. I may be naive being one of the few that actually put some stock in one's reputation and have pride in keeping mine as spotless as possible.

Like I mentioned, I wasn't trying to be the morality police or anything, just like to hope that folks that I end up dealing with have some morals and honesty... -TD


Onkyo Repair Center-Philadelphia

B-Springer. It seems as I have a similar situation happening. My Onkyo TX-SR501 stopped working. I have used this receiver for a max of 100hrs the past five years. It would not turn and instead click off. Waited an hour to talk to Onkyo support and they said I needed to reset by holding On/video1 ect. It did not solve the problem so I dropped it off at Audio Video Repair Shop in Philadelphia.

This is real my real problem started. Ends up I have four blown outputs which will cost $151.99 to repaired. I told them I did not want it to be repaired due to the replacement cost being cheaper then the repair cost. George at the shop tried persuading me to repair it for 30mins on the phone. They told me they would call me when they were done putting it back together. It was over a month and I could not get through.. So I contacted ONKYO and talked to Jack Cooper which he said they have never had a problem with this shop. (This was is November).

Finally stopped by to get my receiver on April 10th to check the "status." Afer 45mins of George trying to persuade me getting it fixed again and they price now being $129.10, I walked out with my receiver. I took it home and tried turning it on and my initial problem was fixed. I hooked a speaker up and it now its not working. Looking at the outputs, you can see the TECH's job by the damage they made in the back.

Has anyone heard of places purposely damaging units so a customer has to get it repaired even though it was an easy fix? The shop was a little sketchy and I having a feeling they purposely made my receiver blown. Any advice?


Sorry to hear about the bad news bro but I just got the 875 and I love it and it works like a charm. I use to work for BB and if the manu is not helping u with the repair whats their position (CC) considering u purchased a 5yr extended warranty. Last time I checked if the manu couldn't fix it then either they would try to fix it or replace it using the remaining of the warranty.


Cookie? I was giving somone some honest advice. I think you are making some accusations based solely on assumptions you made and I don't think you'll get far with me in that manner. So go pester someone else.

As to eBay - yes, it is a cesspool and people who buy there should know better.
I did not want to reply to this but I could not help myself.

It is ok for YOU to make/pass assumptions/judgements but it is not ok for TOM to call you out --- I did not see an assumption in Tom's post... I saw him responding to what you said... you said it so it is not an assumption... right?

You make an assumption about people who buy on Ebay... now that is an assumption.... or at least a judgement... right?

I like Tom, do not practice a double standard. The things I sell on Ebay or Craigslist are as described. I take care of my electronics. I only sell things that work 100%. So if I were to buy something I do not want to be duped or have some omission of truth.

I do not want to sound like the morality police either but I don't know I just could not stop myself from responding. I am sorry if you are offended.

The reason I had to respond is that I just purchased speakers (that are not made anymore) from craigslist and ebay. I loved the sound when I was shopping for speakers back in 2000-2001. At that time could not afford them. I have shopped (presently) for speakers and could not find any that sounded as good as the Infinity Interlude Series. So I began looking. Found IL40's which I picked up for a good price and they were PERFECT.. no stractches no problem. Then came the IL36C center... Awesome!! Again 2 people that were very truthful!

Then I got my IL10's... not as advertised and I was pissed/Dents in the wood, scratches all over the wood, broken grilles, and a crack in the plastic on one speaker. I guess I am part of that Ebay "cesspool" that should know better.

Well, thank goodness we have Credit Card companies that fight for our rights.. and thank goodness they do not have the same attitude of others on here that think Ebay is a "cesspool" They fought for my rights.. sent them the emails (mutiple) that the seller answered... I do ask many questions b4 deciding to spend my hard earned money and I also sent pictures of the speakers to credit card company. The seller repsonded several times that the speakers were in mint condition by the way (so different situation/ I am not comparing this transaction to yours fm).

Well... I was just asking for money for the grilles ($30 plus shipping) and since the seller did not repsond to my credit card company inquiries they credited back my entire amount of money I paid this seller. I do not think this is fair. I am not sure if PayPal credited back my credit card company or credit card company took the hit or if the seller had to pay all that back. But to me that is Unfair. I feel like guilty having these speakers, and if the seller would have been honest I would not have had to feel this way. But to me, it is unfair.

I guess what I am trying to say... is I am honest so I expect everyone else to be honest. I know this is not the case but do not advertise that you possibly duped someone, yes I am assuming from your post that you did, I could be wrong, not positive but you could clarify if you feel the need to.
But if you did, like Tom said, do not expect a pat on the back.

Ok, sorry if my assumption is wrong. I really do not mean to offend but with my luck the last couple of electronics, one new and one from ebay.... I am passionate about not being duped. So again sorry if my assumption is wrong.


I was thinking this myself.

For the most part, I don't consider divulged information terribly credible unless they've been here for a while (at least a couple months) and have had more than 20-30 posts that aren't just filler... -TD
Since the OP hasn't posted anything but the original post, I'm wondering if this isn't just someone trying to make Onkyo look bad, or if it's legit.
Yeah, I kind of get that feeling too. The fact that the only activity here from the OP was this one post bashing Onkyo, almost 10 days ago, makes me leery of how legit it may be. Or if it did happen, how accurate his accounting of the events is.

I hope you do not consider this filler... but again like I have posted on here... my Onkyo 805 has been running wonderfully and it is on for long periods lately. I have over 100 hours on it possibly 200 maybe and it still works great. I pointed out the repair/failure rates earlier in this post, which to me is low. I also have pointed out in several posts that my Toshiba HDA35 HD DVD player bricked and Toshiba was not customer friendly so I do look at it from both sides, and try to report on the positives and negatives of my electronics.

I hope the OP was truthful. But maybe it was some just trying to bash Onkyo. Again for the money my 805 is AWESOME! I have had onkyo products in the past that have lasted. I sold a Onkyo mutli dvd player that was about 5 yrs old working fantastic even after 5 yrs. So in my opinion, Onkyo is great. So want to balance this post!!

Thanks to everyone that does post on here... I have based a lot of my past purchases b/c of comments on this site and the helpful tips everyone gives.

So thank you!


Audioholic General
I don't think many would question your legitimacy 20Glove, you've been around a bit and made contributions in many discussions. It's the very light posters that you have to take with a rather large grain of salt.

Where the OP here has made one post and absolutely no follow up to this, their credibility obviously is in question. This isn't to say it didn't happen to this person, but it's hard to believe someone's only contribution to an A/V forum as expansive as Audioholics is just this one bad experience post.

Posts like this just smell like shills trying to dog the competition. Pretty weak, but it happens... -TD


I don't think that the OP posted here to simply bash Onkyo. I realize this is my first post on this forum, but I came across this thread while searching for information regarding Onkyo's customer service.

I've had a similar experience as the OP. I purchased a TX SR-804 receiver from Circuit City in January 2006. It worked fine until August of that year, when the red standby light started flashing and the receiver would not turn on. Since I had the receiver for too long to return it to Circuit City, I called Onkyo Product Support in hopes of resolving the issue. It took me several attempts before I was able to get through. I must have spent over 10 hours over the course of several phone call waiting on hold. When I was finally able to speak to someone, I was informed that the amp protection circuit in the receiver was activated and it would be necessary for me to take it to an authorized service center to be repaired. Luckily, there was a service center near where I live. I took the receiver to the service center for repair, and after about a month they called to say it was fixed. However, when I got home and plugged the receiver in, it did not turn on and I continued to receive the blinking red standby light. I called Onkyo's customer service to see what further action could be taken to fix my receiver, and they (quite rudely) informed me that my only choices were to take the receiver back to the service center, or ship it to one of their regional service centers at my expense. I chose to take it back to the original service center, where it spent another month in the shop. When I brought the receiver home this time, it worked, for all of one day. I turned it off that night, and when I woke up the next morning, the blinking red standby light was back. I'm now in the process of trying to get through to Onkyo's customer support again.

I understand that regardless of the product or manufacturer, there will always be defective units, especially with complex electronics like audio receivers. My issue is with Onkyo's customer support, which is practically non-existant. They need to stand behind their product, especially when the product is a $1000 receiver. I think it would be safe to say that I have a defective receiver, and that no matter how many times I take it to be repaired, it will eventually malfunction again. The only way to resolve this issue is to replace the defective receiver, which Onkyo is unwilling to do. Even if this matter is resolved, I've been through enough hassle that I will never buy another Onkyo product again. I hope anybody considering an Onkyo product reads this post before making a purcase.
Last edited:


Audioholic Samurai
Go back to CC & buy the exact model again with cash,take it home then put the broken one back inm the box,return the damaged model the next day for a full refund,sounds crappy but ive been burned before from CC & BB with their return policies & invervention with manufacturers.

Take it back & let CC deal with Onkyo,but your life CC will get an instant credit from Onkyo.


Audioholic General
I think that with Onkyo right now, if you get a good one, great. You'll be extremely pleased with it.
I'm on the same fence with Seth though; my last Onkyo was a 787, and I was not impressed with the analog section of the receiver.

It had lots of features, but my nearly 20 year old Yamaha DSP-A100 sounds better than the 787, night and day difference.


Senior Audioholic
I don't think that the OP posted here to simply bash Onkyo. I realize this is my first post on this forum, but I came across this thread while searching for information regarding Onkyo's customer service.

I've had a similar experience as the OP. I purchased a TX SR-804 receiver from Circuit City in January 2006. It worked fine until August of that year, when the red standby light started flashing and the receiver would not turn on. Since I had the receiver for too long to return it to Circuit City, I called Onkyo Product Support in hopes of resolving the issue. It took me several attempts before I was able to get through. I must have spent over 10 hours over the course of several phone call waiting on hold. When I was finally able to speak to someone, I was informed that the amp protection circuit in the receiver was activated and it would be necessary for me to take it to an authorized service center to be repaired. Luckily, there was a service center near where I live. I took the receiver to the service center for repair, and after about a month they called to say it was fixed. However, when I got home and plugged the receiver in, it did not turn on and I continued to receive the blinking red standby light. I called Onkyo's customer service to see what further action could be taken to fix my receiver, and they (quite rudely) informed me that my only choices were to take the receiver back to the service center, or ship it to one of their regional service centers at my expense. I chose to take it back to the original service center, where it spent another month in the shop. When I brought the receiver home this time, it worked, for all of one day. I turned it off that night, and when I woke up the next morning, the blinking red standby light was back. I'm now in the process of trying to get through to Onkyo's customer support again.

I understand that regardless of the product or manufacturer, there will always be defective units, especially with complex electronics like audio receivers. My issue is with Onkyo's customer support, which is practically non-existant. They need to stand behind their product, especially when the product is a $1000 receiver. I think it would be safe to say that I have a defective receiver, and that no matter how many times I take it to be repaired, it will eventually malfunction again. The only way to resolve this issue is to replace the defective receiver, which Onkyo is unwilling to do. Even if this matter is resolved, I've been through enough hassle that I will never buy another Onkyo product again. I hope anybody considering an Onkyo product reads this post before making a purcase.
Hrm... another user from da 'Burgh.

Where was the authorized repair center you visited to get your receiver fixed? I've been eyeing up Onkyo receivers and if I have any problems with one, I'd like to know this location's address.

I live in the North Hills (Wexford).

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