Andrew, that would be a Big Fat Nooo!!! Lol. Me being me, I'm a BassAholic!!

I set (Sub) PEQ (manual). Trimmed that cheap 12" sub to my liking. And Full Range set 2.1 with (Extra Bass) in YAPO> settings to "ON"

Only use that setting for 2.1 music (Critical listening) with Volume set depending on my mood, sometimes reference

level. But then Neighbors start coming out their house. And PoPo comes driving by real slow the first pass by. Second time PoPo passes by with lights on, than I lower volume down to -25dbs.

Now to Answer your question, for movie surround I'll use those settings in your post as a starting point in a 5.1.So yes Sir! Towers are dialed in on settings to small. plus I'll take Yamaha A4A out of manual set in PEQ to what Yamaha ARC set to (Flat) when I ran Auto Set with the supplied ("Mic+ stand) that Yamaha supplied with the Aventage. I call it my boomerang stand.
@AcuDefTechGuy those Elite towers, R-55E are a very Special RBH tower, give them room to Breathe for the lack of a better word. One will understand the full meaning of why RBH will not stamp a unworthy speaker won't stamp the RBH name badge on the grills. That's the only pair of RBH towers I've ever owned. I can only imagine what your RBH towers sound like. Gene has Flagship RBH towers. To use an analogy of RBH speakers, think high Octane fuel for Pro Funny car 1/4 mile drag. High performance high quality sound with ungodly amount of bass accuracy and clarity. If you ever been to a drag race, you know how loud it can get well that's RBH speaker's, and still sound great at reference levels.