Well, I think the goal is to have exactly what we want - be 100% happy with our decisions without any kind of guilt/regrets later.
Perhaps subconsciously we love the things we love to balance our pleasure-vs guilt scale.
Do I like BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover, etc.? Yes I do, but they are historically unreliable. Consumer Reports, JD Powers, etc. say that BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover have among the worst reliability history. So I fear the possibility of regrets if my vehicles are as unreliable as they say. For example, I loved my Jeep Commander Limited 4x4, but after 80K miles it started falling apart (engine died on road). Total regret. I want a Range Rover, BMW, or Mercedes, but fear it will die on the road.
When it comes to home theater, I fear that if I spend too much money on electronics (AVP/AMP/Projectors) they will also die prematurely or become obsolete. For example, one of my friends bought an $18K JVC projector and it died after only 1 month. He got it replaced by JVC with some animosity and then sold it ASAP.
I love that the 21” RBH sub is powered externally. Personally I would never buy another sub with built-in amp in fear that the built-in amp will “die on the road”. All 12 subs in my house are externally powered.
One of my friends bought dual Perlisten subs and both built-in sub amps died after only 2 months and had to be replaced. At least they didn’t die AFTER the warranty expired. This again reinforced my personal fear for the 20th time.
It’s a balancing act for sure for people who aren’t filthy rich.