
Audioholic Warlord
Heading up north. One sign said $2.99/gl. Cities suck. :p


Audioholic Warlord
Reminds me years ago up north. I'm passenger and the driver's wife would say, Oh look at that! He'd turn his head back and look while going around the bend. One time we were almost all the way in the oncoming lane. Thought I was gonna have a heart attack. :p


Audioholic Warlord
Sign says, "Quality Erections." Don't think I'd use that for a building ad.:p


Audioholic Warlord
On radio a Georgia man was doing 90+ in a 55 mph speed zone. A place holder charge of $1.4 million was sent due to it being generated by the software. The real charge is $1000 plus fees. Anything 35 mph over the speed limit is mandatory court visit. The dept claimed the place holder fee was not intimidation to get the speeder to appear in court LOL.


Audioholic Ninja
On radio a Georgia man was doing 90+ in a 55 mph speed zone. A place holder charge of $1.4 million was sent due to it being generated by the software. The real charge is $1000 plus fees. Anything 35 mph over the speed limit is mandatory court visit. The dept claimed the place holder fee was not intimidation to get the speeder to appear in court LOL.
I would hope they impound this guys car for a year and suspend his license for 4 months . The guy knew what the speed limit was and he intentionally went way above that.

Connor Cato was driving home on Sept. 2 when he was pulled over by Georgia State Patrol for driving 90 in a 55-mile-per-hour zone.

Cato says he knew he was going to get a super speeder ticket, but he never anticipated the fine would be over $1 million."


Seriously, I have no life.
UAW- not a big fan of unions. Never understood you pay dues to keep a job that is still susceptible to the market? I'm a believer if you're a good employee someone wants you somewhere. What the leader said is they would turn down a 21% pay increase. Instead 40% is what he's asking! Per Face the Nation. Btw, Margaret Brennan is great. Asks the tough questions. I liked when she said, How is that going to work when EV cost 40% less in labor? :D
First time I saw any effect of unions was when Harley Davidson went on strike not long after my dad started working there. They were able to receive a bit of unemployment compensation + $18/week for what they called 'bread money'. Second time was when I worked for a lumber company after high school as a 'yardman', which wasn't a union job, but the Teamsters went on strike, so the yards shut down and that meant I lost the income that was going toward college tuition. We have all seen how badly the automakers were affected when the UAW flexed its muscles in the '70s & '80s, then new car buyers had to pay more because of the concessions needed to end the strikes.

In 2005, I worked for a custom AV/network integration company and we were hired to work in an apartment building that was still under construction, but buyers of the units were allowed to make changes they wanted- we couldn't go in until after the union workers had left, but to prevent lags, we arrived as they were leaving. They taunted us every time, talking about how the others needed to make sure their tools were secured because we would steal them, that we were scabs and did crappy work. I can say with absolute certainty that some of the worst work I have ever seen was done by union employees, so the idea that 'Unions Do It Better" is a load of crap. Many tradespeople receive great training, if they decide to go, but a lot of it is optional after they reach a certain level of seniority.

In theory, I don't have a problem with unions, especially when the workers are treated badly and paid poorly, but union pay is usually significantly higher than non-union and many people don't want to or can't afford union wages. I was surprised to see that some working for automakers are paid about $18/hour, but the benefits do add up, so that's not reflecting all of their compensation.

I heard union entitlement from some of the guys my dad worked with when they complained that the 'sweepers' made $18/hour, in the mid-'70s. A 'sweeper' is exactly that, they swept the floors and $18/hour was a lot of money at that time, but they were in the same union, so they enjoyed the same benefits and high pay. That $18/hour is comparable to just over $31/hour now- not bad, for sweeping floors.


Seriously, I have no life.
On radio a Georgia man was doing 90+ in a 55 mph speed zone. A place holder charge of $1.4 million was sent due to it being generated by the software. The real charge is $1000 plus fees. Anything 35 mph over the speed limit is mandatory court visit. The dept claimed the place holder fee was not intimidation to get the speeder to appear in court LOL.
Just like a few thousand dollar bail doesn't guarantee that a murderer will show up. Remember the Christmas parade where the guy drove through? He was out on $500 bail for domestic violence after trying to run down the mother of his child (he did hit her), driving the same vehicle he used in the parade deaths. That bail and vehicle were provided by his mother and he had plead poverty before being released. $1000 doesn't guarantee anything- many jump bail for a lot more.


Audioholic Warlord
Hasn't the holocaust deniers largely been on the right in recent years? There's the current goofiness going on in NY, but I thought some of that was Tucker, Jones etc. As if there's a disdain for the Jewish since they don't celebrate Christmas etc.


Audioholic Warlord
It's weird to me cause Hugh Hewitt is saying our colleges support Palestine and other fringe groups, anti-Israel based on anti-semitism. I thought it was more ant-christian or anti-religon? I'd like to know the portion of Christians to the Jewish. Or is the judeo-Christian the major religion?


Audioholic Warlord
Ok my bad. 8/10 Israelis are Jewish. That pretty much explains it.


Audioholic Warlord
I heard on the radio there is a lawsuit over teen addiction to the internet and wanting to make these sites less addictive LOL. It's called parental responsibility. Quality use of resources, eh? Oh boy.....:rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
Reminds me years ago up north. I'm passenger and the driver's wife would say, Oh look at that! He'd turn his head back and look while going around the bend. One time we were almost all the way in the oncoming lane. Thought I was gonna have a heart attack. :p
I will not ride with my sister as she does the same thing. Scares the living crap out of me. When I was having my radiation treatments in Jacksonville, she and my daughter would help out the wife with taking me up there. When it was my sisters turn, She would go look at that and turn her head while cruising up I-95 at 75mph. I was so glad to get back home.


Audioholic Warlord
How dumb conservative media can be sometimes because they've asked and answered the thought in the same sentence....

Mike Gallagher-
Republican women are going to vote Democrat. They're saying, 'Leave my body alone!'

Like what did you expect? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
I always LOL at the images posted on Clarence. It's the same expression they chose. Guilty. :)


Audioholic Warlord
Liked the lady who keeps face planting into the glass walls. :D


Audioholic Warlord
It's LOL when conservative radio says things like 'hundreds of thousands are demonstrating and getting violent.' 100,000+ are getting violent, eh? ;) Who? Where? America no. Middle East maybe.


Audioholic Warlord
The time I was cleaning and walked by an apt and the ma said to the kid, Unlock this door! :p


Audioholic Warlord
Worth it alone for the 1:25 mark where are car hits a roundabout going 100mph and flies in the air as if doing a jump. I Iiked the comment was trying to high five the camera LOL. Also can never go wrong with moving trucks hitting the bridge and peeling off the top hahaha.

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