What to make of this?
Everybody cool down. From the more recent posts, this thread is old. Then, one of the original inquiries wasn't answered to his satisfaction. There is only one reason for that. Too many opinions were just that, opinions, not supported with any technical references except to others with nothing but opinions! Some of the responses make it completely clear that the writer is either cheap, biased, or both, and has made his mind up, thank you, don't bother me with facts or evidence. I've been doing the audio thing for over 50years and have witnessed the same arguments about nearly every 'new' thing in audio reproduction. Some were BS and some were not. The manufacturers
and retailers weren't always honest nor clear in their advertising. The only thing I can say on the subject is this: As an engineer, I have witnessed some improvement in my system by installing individual filters in every component and by using shielded cable for every power cord. I fabricated some of this I myself and saved some money. Also, as an engineer, I view the stated benefits of some 'magic' box with skepticism. So, if you haven't some experience with an idea or a product, you should be careful what you say so as not to look foolish, and if possible, try it out for yourself. I can't answer the question originally posed because I don't know the environment where the reader lives. But, if he tries some filtering and/or conditioning and
it appears to improve the sound, then he probably needs it. Finally, surge protection ought to be a no-brainer, every one should have it. Years ago, I didn't and it cost me a control panel on the microwave. Most of you have A/V systems costing many times a microwave's cost. To not protect that investment seems just dumb and dumber. But, as P.T. Barnum said...........