PS3 Integration to Home Theater



I am buying a Sony KDL-52W4500 LCD TV and a Yamaha RX-V863 Receiver.

I bought a PS3 for the games and also Blu-ray and Normal DVD playback. I have a couple questions about Integrating my PS3 into the home theater.

1. Should the HDMI output go to the TV or to the Home Receiver so that I can have DVD upscaling to 1080p and surround sound?

2. If the HDMI goes to the TV and not receiver, how can I get the sound from the Blu-ray to go to the Receiver - should I use digital coax or digital fiber optic?

3. For Normal DVDs, will the PS3 upscale to 1080p or would it be better to let the receiver upscale to 1080p?


Audioholic Jedi
1) Receiver because that is the only way you can get the newest audio formats
2) see 1
3) Depends on which does better upscaling. The PS3 is pretty good at it, but not top in class. Your receiver may or may not be good at it.


Audioholic Spartan
The receiver won't upscale anything it receives via HDMI, so your PS3 will have to handle the upscaling. As for the other questions, just run HDMI to your receiver, but the PS3 can't bitstream, so you will only see PCM on the display, but the PS3 will be internally decoding the new audio codecs. When playing a movie, you can verify what audio stream you are using by pressing the select button on your controller, or blu ray remote, it will tell you at the top of the screen.

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