Promote Sony, angers Bose fanboy



Audioholic Overlord
An older couple came into Wal-Mart today (I work in their electronics' section) and they were looking at home theater in a box systems, specifically a JVC 5.1 system with a built in upscaling DVD player for $489. They were talking about how they planned to get a new television as well as a sound system. I pointed out a Sony 2.1 Dream system ($350, upscaling, SACD support, beautiful fit and finish) and explained it was simple to use, sounded very good, and was also easy to setup. They stated they wanted a surround system, and I replied to which it provided a surround sound experience using just two satellite speakers and a subwoofer. The husband, a man that appeared to be in his mid to late sixties, mentioned that he would buy Bose if he wanted to do the two speaker surround sound. His wife chimed in saying that the Bose system was very expensive and looked at me and asked how much the Bose system was. I told her it was $1000, and the husband said "yeah, I know that!". Being that we don't carry Bose in our Wal-Mart (Sam's Club does carry Bose, or at least used too) and I loathe Bose for their lacking performance and less than commendable marketing techniques, I told the customer that the Sony Dream system was a direct competitor to the Bose 3.2.1 system. The guy got pissed off and and walked away muttering to himself.

*flips off old man where ever he is*

Yeah, that was awesome.:D


Senior Audioholic
For some reason in cars and elextronics and a few other select areas you need to handle customers like a puppy and let them be right about opinions because as you found out when you in so many words tell them what he believes is wrong (rightfully or not) you loose a sale. In some cases no matter what you do or say its wrong, perhaps he didnt like a younger person telling him the way it is or he believes sadly as most Bose is some kind of "you have arrived" product...either way there is no way to win with a guy like this and I bet he is a jerk in more ways than one.
no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
Seth working with mass market electronics and typical consumers... that's just asking for trouble:

"Excuse me, do you carry Bose?"

"You don't want to buy Bose, and here's why... "

cut to supervisors office

"No sir... I, um, gave him a wedgie after he kicked me..."



Audioholic Chief
You did what you could. He will probably spend twice as much on Bose.


Ive learned over the years unless the customer asks me what I think about Bose, I do not try to educate them. As a matter of fact there have been times where I act impressed.. Never condoning the purchase, but on the same hand avoiding the arguement. No one wants to hear the $1000 Bose system they just bought sucks.

BTW... Seth why don't you find a job at a locally owned HT store? I think your a bit too qualified to work in the electronics dept at Wmart. :eek:


Audioholic Overlord
Ive learned over the years unless the customer asks me what I think about Bose, I do not try to educate them. As a matter of fact there have been times where I act impressed.. Never condoning the purchase, but on the same hand avoiding the arguement. No one wants to hear the $1000 Bose system they just bought sucks.

BTW... Seth why don't you find a job at a locally owned HT store? I think your a bit too qualified to work in the electronics dept at Wmart. :eek:
Indeed, but it's a tough job market.;) I took what I could get in the moment, I am just happy to be employed.

Davemcc said:
You don't work on commission, do you?
No I don't, I get asked that same question at Wal-Mart all the time when I am trying to sell TVs and accesseries for TVs.:D


I know its harder than it sounds, and in most cases you need to know someone to get a job. I like the fact that your making the best out of it, and your right.. A job is a job. :cool:


Junior Audioholic
You are a far greater man then I.

Wal-Mart (especially the electronics dept.) would slowly, but surely, kill my soul


Audioholic Chief
You are a far greater man then I.

Wal-Mart (especially the electronics dept.) would slowly, but surely, kill my soul

Even my love for electronics wouldn't make me work there. I've worked at wal-mart for a year and a half when I was a student and I was in the backstore. Couldn't stand all the stupid clients.


Audioholic Ninja
Let's see, they want a surround system, and you try to talk them into a pretend surround system. They repeat that they want a surround system, and you still try to talk them into a pretend sound system. I'd walk away, too.

(Though I would never be trying to buy audio or video equipment at a Wal-Mart anyway, so you need never worry about dealing with me.)

Also, the guy does not seem to be the Bose fanboy you accuse him of being, as he said, IF he wanted a pretend surround system, then he would buy Bose. But he did not want to buy Bose, nor did he want a pretend surround system of any brand. He certainly isn't best described as a Bose fanboy when he specifically said he does not want to buy Bose.


Audioholic Ninja
Seth=L I commend you! For the products you are dealing with at Wally Mart and the market and price range the consumer was interested in (home theatres in a box) you offered him better value for his dollar and odds are better aesthetics, performance and also would have saved him some cash. The world needs more audio specialists like you in the world working in B & M stores.


Audioholic Spartan
You are a far greater man then I.

Wal-Mart (especially the electronics dept.) would slowly, but surely, kill my soul
Unemployment, insolvency, bankruptcy, poverty, hunger and homelessness would probably kill your soul much faster than working at Wal-Mart. I humbly suggest that working at Wal-Mart is but one step on the path from fail to win.


Audioholic Overlord
Let's see, they want a surround system, and you try to talk them into a pretend surround system. They repeat that they want a surround system, and you still try to talk them into a pretend sound system. I'd walk away, too.

(Though I would never be trying to buy audio or video equipment at a Wal-Mart anyway, so you need never worry about dealing with me.)

Also, the guy does not seem to be the Bose fanboy you accuse him of being, as he said, IF he wanted a pretend surround system, then he would buy Bose. But he did not want to buy Bose, nor did he want a pretend surround system of any brand. He certainly isn't best described as a Bose fanboy when he specifically said he does not want to buy Bose.
I understand he was looking at that. I merely mentioned that system, as an alternative for simplicity. I wasn't really trying to push the sale after he mentioned Bose. I was informing at that point, apparently either my information was not warranted, or he thought I must be a complete moron for thinking the Sony could compare to Bose.:D


Audioholic Overlord
Unemployment, insolvency, bankruptcy, poverty, hunger and homelessness would probably kill your soul much faster than working at Wal-Mart. I humbly suggest that working at Wal-Mart is but one step on the path from fail to win.
Upper management doesn't come close to failing, they make some serious bucks man.:D Remember I am educated in retail management.;) If I can climb the ladder, make my pile of cash, then maybe I can start my own business (in guess what, AV:D).


Audioholic Ninja
Do it! Use Wally World as a stepping stone. You can make good money and gain experience, so later in life you can start your own business in whatever, not just A/V.


Audioholic Overlord
Do it! Use Wally World as a stepping stone. You can make good money and gain experience, so later in life you can start your own business in whatever, not just A/V.
I should sell cave drawings too.:D


Audioholic Spartan
Upper management doesn't come close to failing, they make some serious bucks man.:D Remember I am educated in retail management.;) If I can climb the ladder, make my pile of cash, then maybe I can start my own business (in guess what, AV:D).
That's pretty much what I was saying. Staying home because you're too proud to work at Wal-Mart is fail, while working at Wal-Mart and building on that experience is win. For the record, the President of McDonald's Canada started his career in the kitchen as a teenager, your typical McJob. Now he is president of the company. There is no rule that says it can't happen to you.


Audioholic Samurai
That's pretty much what I was saying. Staying home because you're too proud to work at Wal-Mart is fail, while working at Wal-Mart and building on that experience is win. For the record, the President of McDonald's Canada started his career in the kitchen as a teenager, your typical McJob. Now he is president of the company. There is no rule that says it can't happen to you.
That's McFabulous! :D

For what it's worth, I sure would hate having to deal with the typical run o' the mill customer that waltzes into the Wal-Mart electronics department, but as others have pointed out a job is a job. If it were me? Hell, I'd sell them whatever the heck POS system they had their bloodshot eyes on if it would get them out of the store quicker - it's Wal-Mart, you're not exactly trying to help people construct the HT System of their dreams. :p


Audioholic Spartan
Here's the guy I'm talking about. Apparently, he has retired.

" Louie Mele Retires

The appointment of Mr. Betts follows the retirement of Louie Mele, who
had held the role for nearly three years. Louie began his career at McDonald's
Canada in January 1973 in his hometown of Windsor, Ontario and advanced
through various managerial positions. Mr. Mele took his Canadian McDonald's
experience overseas in 1987 when he became Director of Operations for
McDonald's Italy. In 1990, he was appointed President of McDonald's Italy.
Mr. Mele moved to the U.S. in 1995 as Vice President & Regional Manager
in Norfolk, Virginia. He became Vice President & Regional Manager in Tampa,
Florida in 1998 and returned to Canada as Chief Operating Officer in 2001
before his appointment to President in April 2005."

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