Laziness: A Core Conservative Value
Video title of a previous post of mine. I hope someone takes note cause I'd like to think I have a strong point. The war on xmas, deep state (w/o specifics), woke, snowflakes, trolling etc. Any other buzz words they've used recently? What else does the conservative news offer? Part joke, but yeah seriously anything else they do beyond conspiracies & lies?
My theory is for as large a resource the WWW is, conservatives are quite absent. I attribute that to a lack of framework for the truth, or specifically the truth against the left. One suspicious line is the left control the schools, and the media. Meaning the deep state is leveraging against conservative news. But again I don't see like the professional seriousness of news gathering or much of anything. And the different types of conservative news I've already mentioned many times. I remember an arch enemy of mine here. He had a number of good points. Even beat me on a fair amount of ideas. But then he says the reason there's little conservative news on YT is due to an alogorithm problems. Then turns around and responds to a "Thor the Deplorable" to 'get the poop out there.' Meaning that algorithm problem is contradicted by the lies & conspiracies LOL. We have no idea what we're doing. I know! Get the poop out there! You can sell these items below, and yet the very statements apply to themselves. Nor does it appear to matter to the right how hypocritical they are. I mean we all have some hypocrisy, but c'mon man.