As suggested, trying moving the sub an inch at a time at all direction and see if you can find a better spot. After that, I would suggest you do a factory reset on the Onkyo and then run AccuEQ again. If that still won't fix it, then it may be time to sell/return if still can, and try the $599 AVR-X3400H. I gurantee you the X3400H will not disappoint you if you already like the sound quality (just not the subwoofer channel right?) of the RZ620.
Another alternative if to calibrate your subwoofer manually using a bunch of test tones and use whatever controls you have at the back of your subwoofer. On thing that may help is, before you re-run AccEQ next time, make sure the controls on the subwoofer are defeated. For example, set the phase to 0, low pass filter to maximum or disabled, basically making sure the subwoofer's own controls get out of the way and let AccEQ does it's magic (assuming it has some

). Don't give up, its a lot of work but if successful in the end it is worth it.