Democrat on Fox said the delay in lower gas prices is part of a "liberal world order." Really? :D
Trell Audioholic Spartan Jul 2, 2022 #581 Dude#1279435 said: Democrat on Fox said the delay in lower gas prices is part of a "liberal world order." Click to expand... Really?
Dude#1279435 said: Democrat on Fox said the delay in lower gas prices is part of a "liberal world order." Click to expand... Really?
mtrycrafts Seriously, I have no life. Jul 2, 2022 #582 Trell said: Really? Click to expand... So the people will love democrats when gas price is high, right? LOL
Trell said: Really? Click to expand... So the people will love democrats when gas price is high, right? LOL
Trell Audioholic Spartan Jul 2, 2022 #583 mtrycrafts said: So the people will love democrats when gas price is high, right? LOL Click to expand... It's not something inbred hillbillies understand in the first place; just look at the most recent female addition to the US Supreme Court breeding like what not.
mtrycrafts said: So the people will love democrats when gas price is high, right? LOL Click to expand... It's not something inbred hillbillies understand in the first place; just look at the most recent female addition to the US Supreme Court breeding like what not.
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 2, 2022 #584 Rare clouds that glow in dark most vibrant in 15 years... Oz strategy for winning PA: Trump who? Far-Right Group Yells at Empty Building in Drag Show Blitz... Trop storm targets Carolinas... This man and his dog spent seven years walking around world... 10-year-old girl denied abortion in Ohio... Forced to go to Indiana...
Rare clouds that glow in dark most vibrant in 15 years... Oz strategy for winning PA: Trump who? Far-Right Group Yells at Empty Building in Drag Show Blitz... Trop storm targets Carolinas... This man and his dog spent seven years walking around world... 10-year-old girl denied abortion in Ohio... Forced to go to Indiana...
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 4, 2022 #585 Texas woman has to leave state to end dangerous pregnancy... Texts, web searches have been used to prosecute... One of key ways scientists listen for aliens under threat... Japan's Secret to Taming: Peer Pressure... Cautious optimism as Chicago sees statistical decline in gun violence... JAWS 2! Second shark attack kills woman 24 hrs after another died at same resort... Inside Heated Debate to Redefine Who Is Dead... How state's pot dream became public health nightmare... Addiction, psychotic illness, poisonings...
Texas woman has to leave state to end dangerous pregnancy... Texts, web searches have been used to prosecute... One of key ways scientists listen for aliens under threat... Japan's Secret to Taming: Peer Pressure... Cautious optimism as Chicago sees statistical decline in gun violence... JAWS 2! Second shark attack kills woman 24 hrs after another died at same resort... Inside Heated Debate to Redefine Who Is Dead... How state's pot dream became public health nightmare... Addiction, psychotic illness, poisonings...
highfigh Seriously, I have no life. Jul 4, 2022 #587 Dude#1279435 said: Rare clouds that glow in dark most vibrant in 15 years... Click to expand... Those are glowing in the dark? I think not. Sure shoots holes in the Flat Earther idea, eh?
Dude#1279435 said: Rare clouds that glow in dark most vibrant in 15 years... Click to expand... Those are glowing in the dark? I think not. Sure shoots holes in the Flat Earther idea, eh?
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 4, 2022 #588 highfigh said: Those are glowing in the dark? I think not. Sure shoots holes in the Flat Earther idea, eh? Click to expand... It's not entirely dark yet.
highfigh said: Those are glowing in the dark? I think not. Sure shoots holes in the Flat Earther idea, eh? Click to expand... It's not entirely dark yet.
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 5, 2022 #589 Group wielding White nationalist flags march Boston's Freedom Trail... Man arrested for battering cop with hot dog... JULY 4TH RAMPAGE: 6 dead, 30 hospitalized at parade... Vegas hotel to offer first VR porn delivery robots as part of room service... After Roe, architect of abortion law sets sights on gay marriage and more... FOX and friends confront billion-dollar suits over election fraud claims... Advocates warn USA at risk of losing control on monkeypox... Man charged with taking R2-D2 from DISNEY WORLD...
Group wielding White nationalist flags march Boston's Freedom Trail... Man arrested for battering cop with hot dog... JULY 4TH RAMPAGE: 6 dead, 30 hospitalized at parade... Vegas hotel to offer first VR porn delivery robots as part of room service... After Roe, architect of abortion law sets sights on gay marriage and more... FOX and friends confront billion-dollar suits over election fraud claims... Advocates warn USA at risk of losing control on monkeypox... Man charged with taking R2-D2 from DISNEY WORLD...
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 6, 2022 #590 NANCY! Pelosi raises eyebrows with cleavage... Mikado: Who cares if she's a liberal!!!!!......................
NANCY! Pelosi raises eyebrows with cleavage... Mikado: Who cares if she's a liberal!!!!!......................
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 6, 2022 #591 Sioux Falls sky turn green... 86-year-old flight attendant still on job... Autism among children and teens surgeds 50% in three years... Rise of the Far-Right Latina... UPDATE: Shadow race vs. DeSantis... Electric police cars struggle to reach emergencies... 'Crime Prediction' Algorithms Could Be Used -- To Monitor Police... Brad Pitt details struggle with rare 'face blindness'... With Rising Book Bans, Librarians Under Attack... Rabbit rescue president charged after authorities find 47 dead bunnies in barn... Trump-Era Changes to Endangered Species Act Tossed by Court... Record-low say Bible is literal word of God... Working Out Only Weekends Boosts Health Just As Much As Exercising Daily? Doctors thought man had cancer -- but was just taking too many supplements...
Sioux Falls sky turn green... 86-year-old flight attendant still on job... Autism among children and teens surgeds 50% in three years... Rise of the Far-Right Latina... UPDATE: Shadow race vs. DeSantis... Electric police cars struggle to reach emergencies... 'Crime Prediction' Algorithms Could Be Used -- To Monitor Police... Brad Pitt details struggle with rare 'face blindness'... With Rising Book Bans, Librarians Under Attack... Rabbit rescue president charged after authorities find 47 dead bunnies in barn... Trump-Era Changes to Endangered Species Act Tossed by Court... Record-low say Bible is literal word of God... Working Out Only Weekends Boosts Health Just As Much As Exercising Daily? Doctors thought man had cancer -- but was just taking too many supplements...
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 9, 2022 #592 More uplifting ones today LOL. I'll have to find some humor headlines, from somewhere..... Republicans ponder national abortion restrictions if majority... The coming vasectomy age... Kavanaugh Forced to Escape DC Steakhouse Through Back... Man arrested for threatening to kill Cruz... The Christian Quest for Power: 'Emboldened'... Tour de France cyclist breaks neck in high-speed crash with fan... The Age of Distracti-pression... Hottest new service at hotels? Sleep... At New Resort, Getting Drunk Is Part of Wellness Program! They spoke Arabic while gun shopping in Texas and ended up behind bars... US Life Expectancy Falls Behind China... The Exposure of Beijing's 'Bought Wives'... Darwin's Theory Upended? Natural Selection Making Society More Unequal...
More uplifting ones today LOL. I'll have to find some humor headlines, from somewhere..... Republicans ponder national abortion restrictions if majority... The coming vasectomy age... Kavanaugh Forced to Escape DC Steakhouse Through Back... Man arrested for threatening to kill Cruz... The Christian Quest for Power: 'Emboldened'... Tour de France cyclist breaks neck in high-speed crash with fan... The Age of Distracti-pression... Hottest new service at hotels? Sleep... At New Resort, Getting Drunk Is Part of Wellness Program! They spoke Arabic while gun shopping in Texas and ended up behind bars... US Life Expectancy Falls Behind China... The Exposure of Beijing's 'Bought Wives'... Darwin's Theory Upended? Natural Selection Making Society More Unequal...
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 13, 2022 #593 World population expected to hit 8,000,000,000 this year! Toddler swings at Minnesota cops executing warrant: 'Shut up b***h!' First Lady slammed for comparing Latinos to tacos... SMH Take it from top Hill staffers: Congress doesn't function as it should... Monkeypox cases double again in NYC... UK infextions rise to 1,735... Uvalde school shooting video obtained... 17 officers RAN AWAY from gunman... ROUNDUP found in 80% of urine samples... See who is last?
World population expected to hit 8,000,000,000 this year! Toddler swings at Minnesota cops executing warrant: 'Shut up b***h!' First Lady slammed for comparing Latinos to tacos... SMH Take it from top Hill staffers: Congress doesn't function as it should... Monkeypox cases double again in NYC... UK infextions rise to 1,735... Uvalde school shooting video obtained... 17 officers RAN AWAY from gunman... ROUNDUP found in 80% of urine samples... See who is last?
highfigh Seriously, I have no life. Jul 13, 2022 #594 Dude#1279435 said: NANCY! Pelosi raises eyebrows with cleavage... Mikado: Who cares if she's a liberal!!!!!...................... Click to expand... Thanks. Now, I have to eat breakfast again.
Dude#1279435 said: NANCY! Pelosi raises eyebrows with cleavage... Mikado: Who cares if she's a liberal!!!!!...................... Click to expand... Thanks. Now, I have to eat breakfast again.
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 15, 2022 #595 highfigh said: Thanks. Now, I have to eat breakfast again. Click to expand... Probably should've edited out the face.
highfigh said: Thanks. Now, I have to eat breakfast again. Click to expand... Probably should've edited out the face.
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 15, 2022 #596 TRUMP: I'VE DECIDED... Looks to fall launch? Returning to DC... Secret donor dinners... 'Ready for Ron' means ready for 'war'... Youngkin Wants To End MAGA Era -- Without Taking on The Don... Rebel Lite IVANA TRUMP DEAD... WHOLESALE PRICES UP 11.3% Rents Rise at Fastest Pace in 40 Years... Truly massive interest rate hike now on table... Inflation Pain Reaches Beyond Sun Belt as More Cities Top 10%... Van Gogh self-portrait found hidden behind another painting... Baby born on 7/11 at 7-ELEVEN! Mysterious fast radio burst in space has 'heartbeat' pattern... Musk Poop Emoji Submitted as Evidence of Disparaging Behavior by TWITTER... 3rd shark attack in Long Island in 10 days... With Few Able and Fewer Willing, Military Can't Find Recruits...
TRUMP: I'VE DECIDED... Looks to fall launch? Returning to DC... Secret donor dinners... 'Ready for Ron' means ready for 'war'... Youngkin Wants To End MAGA Era -- Without Taking on The Don... Rebel Lite IVANA TRUMP DEAD... WHOLESALE PRICES UP 11.3% Rents Rise at Fastest Pace in 40 Years... Truly massive interest rate hike now on table... Inflation Pain Reaches Beyond Sun Belt as More Cities Top 10%... Van Gogh self-portrait found hidden behind another painting... Baby born on 7/11 at 7-ELEVEN! Mysterious fast radio burst in space has 'heartbeat' pattern... Musk Poop Emoji Submitted as Evidence of Disparaging Behavior by TWITTER... 3rd shark attack in Long Island in 10 days... With Few Able and Fewer Willing, Military Can't Find Recruits...
highfigh Seriously, I have no life. Jul 15, 2022 #597 Dude#1279435 said: Probably should've edited out the face. Click to expand... Man, you missed a golden opportunity to put Trump's face on that! I'm seriously disappointed in you.
Dude#1279435 said: Probably should've edited out the face. Click to expand... Man, you missed a golden opportunity to put Trump's face on that! I'm seriously disappointed in you.
D Dude#1279435 Audioholic Warlord Jul 16, 2022 #598 highfigh said: Man, you missed a golden opportunity to put Trump's face on that! I'm seriously disappointed in you. Click to expand... She must be injecting them with some serious to keep them that plumpy looking for her age.
highfigh said: Man, you missed a golden opportunity to put Trump's face on that! I'm seriously disappointed in you. Click to expand... She must be injecting them with some serious to keep them that plumpy looking for her age.
highfigh Seriously, I have no life. Jul 16, 2022 #599 Dude#1279435 said: She must be injecting them with some serious to keep them that plumpy looking for her age. Click to expand... She stuffs them with money.
Dude#1279435 said: She must be injecting them with some serious to keep them that plumpy looking for her age. Click to expand... She stuffs them with money.
Mikado463 Audioholic Spartan Jul 18, 2022 #600 Commonly used weed-killing chemical found in 80% of urine samples A commonly used herbicide known to be linked to cancer is appearing in more than 80% of urine samples from U.S. kids and adults, according to a CDC study. you should not have your 'Johnson' out when spraying your lawn ......... and in other news a laughable read from the radical right ...... Jill Breaks Out the Violin for Joe: ‘He Had So Many Hopes’
Commonly used weed-killing chemical found in 80% of urine samples A commonly used herbicide known to be linked to cancer is appearing in more than 80% of urine samples from U.S. kids and adults, according to a CDC study. you should not have your 'Johnson' out when spraying your lawn ......... and in other news a laughable read from the radical right ...... Jill Breaks Out the Violin for Joe: ‘He Had So Many Hopes’