FWIW, those Focals might be great speakers, at least for music, but from looking at
their specs, one really sholuldn't be expecting too much from them on the low end to begin with, particularly for home theatre usage, no matter how much power you throw at them.
Here's Stereophiles take on than, just in case.
Trying to get home theatre quality deep bass out of them that way is like putting a band-aid on a cut that requires stiches.
If deep, loud HT bass is what he craves, he needs to look into a subwoofer or two.
Also, that "dull and lifeless" comment makes me wonder as well. I really don't think any amp will change that. Just because many people or reviewers say a speaker is great, the final abritrator on how good a particular speaker actually is, is ones own ears. Did OP listen carefully to these before purchasing them, and with what equipment?