Buckeyefan 1 said:
I'm 95% sure the 9100 is the 54TX, and the 9300 is the 56TX. If you can swing it, try for the 9300 (56TX). Seems like the best bet for the money. 44.8 lbs! We know for a fact the 1015 is basically the 52TX. I always say but a little more than you can afford, because in 6 months, you are going to wish you did.
Good call Buckeyefan, but I do have a couple differences in mind. The only difference between the 9100, 1015 and
52Tx is that the 1015 has
3 component video inputs while the 9100 and 52TX both have 2. Also, only the 52TX and 9100 have the RS-232C(serial) connector for outputting the MCACC results to a PC. Now someone earlier said that Pioneer quoted the 9100's weight as 34lbs. The 1015 weighs 34lbs and 14 oz and the 52TX weighs 34.2lbs per Pioneer's website. All three have the same LCD learning remote, as well as the same button configuration on the front of the receivers themselves.
Now unless you need the 3 component video inputs I would choose the 9100 for it's AIR studios Tuning monitor designation. I did a google search for Air studios, it's a world renowned award winning recording studio that has done work for many well known artists as well as serving the sound needs of movie production companies.
The 9300 has the same labeling scheme on it's front as the 56TXi, but the 9300 does not have I.link(firewire) input/output. Pioneer lists the weight of the 56TXi as 44.8 lbs, same as the 9100. The 55TXi weighs 41.8 lbs and has I.link and the same labels on the front, but in different positions. Now, the 54TX has the same labeling scheme as the 56TXi and the 9300, weighs 39.7 lbs, but doesn't have the USB input of the 56TXi and the 9300.
However, here is my coup de grace...the 56TXi and the 9300 both have removeable power cords while the 9100, 1015, 52TX, 54TX and 55TXi do not. This leads me to believe that the power supplies are different between the two groups we have here.
I bet Pioneer's marketing department is laughing at us right now, watching us trying to decipher what they're doing! To them, all I can say is how about a VSX-9900TX, a cousin to the VSX59TXi for about half the price available at Best Buy with the same remote at the 56TXi(to save some money since the 59's rechargeable nearly full lcd learning remote costs about $400)! Maybe dump the USB, but keep the I.link...I don't know...sounds like a winner to me!