The build quality of the Athena's is not all that great, I took all the drivers out of the F1s and had a look inside, the drivers are secured by cheap wood screws that strip after removing the drivers. I replaced all with hurricane or t-nuts and machine screws, there is one rib brace between top woofer and tweeter and the rest of the cab is braceless with cheap carpet padding for damping, I inserted all thread rods through the sides of the cabinets to add some rigidity to the cabs, unattractive but effective, prior to this the walls would resonate so bad and the bass was boomy as well. There are your compromises, they were decent speakers for the money but cheaply constructed with a xover that was not very appealing to say the least. It was indeed a monkey coffin. The bass tightened up some and the cab's didn't vibrate like before. They were visibly appealing speakers and could play loud but with a lot of distortion, unlike the the Pio 52s which I think are fairly accurate speakers and a bargain at their price, let your ears be the judge.