Thats a beautiful cat!!
I have 2 dogs (GoldenRetriever & Shiba-Inu) & up until about 3 months ago we had 2 cats (American Tabbys). 1 of our cats liked to go outside sometimes. Then one day he never came back

we had him for over 7yrs & so we were really sad about loosing him. We are thinking coyotes because i posted signs, searched the streets & checked the local shelters online. Just one of those things i guess. He really loved going outside so i didnt want to confine him. That was the risk we took. That pic looks a lot like our good ol' "Peno" (short for jalapeno).
I to grew up allergic to cats. But my wife begged for one. Since cats dont have dander as kittens i slowly grew ammune to the cat as she grew up then we got a second one. Now i rarely ever get an itchy eye or sneeze. Interesting!!
Anyways just thought id share that little story.
I love animals!!!
Yes, Coke is super pretty. I've got no issues with dogs. My sister and brother in law have a german shepard and a mutt (who are both awesome). My grandparents have a little mutt and an italian greyhound. I might get a dog in the future as well, but I definitely want a cat more.
This is Sasha:
Sucks losing your cat though
The odd thing about pet allergies is, you may be allergic to one cat breed and not another one. Some breeds are worse for oils and dander, and you may be allergic to something specific about a breed. Also, being around them can make you get "used" to it. I didn't have cats for years and then my daughter begged too so we got one and I sneezed for a while too. After a while, it went away. Then my daughter moved out...and I still have the cat 7 years later, no allergies.
Well, I certainly hope I grow immune like yall have been saying. Hopefully the treatments combined with time/exposure will help

Every cat I've been around has given me a reaction though - I get itchy/watery eyes, sneezing/watery nose, coughing, etc. When I had my allergy skin test done, cats were one of the things I was MOST allergic to. On a scale of 0-4, they were a 4
Hi Phillip,
Always good to see a fellow Opeth fan in action
I too have developed immunity to animal allergies. As a young child I received allergy shots regularly for environmental allergies, and could hardly go near others' animals.
Now after having lived with my parents' 130lb dog and wife's two cats, the allergies very rarely phase me anymore. When I do have the occasional issue a few Allegra and Neti Pot treatments generally do the trick.
Your setup sure looks nice! Who makes those monitors again?

I've seen them twice in concert now. Once back in 2005, and then last year. I wasn't a big fan of Heritage, but Opeth still rocks
My allergy shots cover everything but food allergens. I do have annoying environmental allergies in addition to the animal allergies. I take an allergy pill daily along with a nasal spray. It sucks. It only really started a couple years ago. I dunno what triggered them (environmental, not the cat allergy. I've been allergic to cats for as long as I can remember).
Thanks. The primary monitor is a Dell U2412M (24" 1920x1200) and the one on the right is an old Samsung 204T (20.1" 1600x1200).