Good post, Dennis. A sweet preamp like Dennis has where you can instantly switch would be awesome, and if we had such we'd re-think our listening approach for the GTG. I forgot to mention Dennis can't make it now; just far too expensive unfortunately (stupid airlines). He's still sending his speakers, though, which we're all very happy about.
That's why I'm not the guy who claims that a certain speakers sound better than all the rest even though I've never listened to them in the same treated room in my life.

That's the thing; you don't need them in the same room to know which is best, not if they are well designed. Weren't you just preaching (along with grant) that a great speaker will sound great in most rooms (of which I agree with)? So which is it buddy?
I wasn't ripping on you, by the way; just encouraging you to do what everyone's been wanting you to do: listen to each one at time without other speakers around. You'd be surprised how good your acoustic memory is when you're very familiar with the audition material and you put in some real listening time with each speaker (not just an hour or two: serious up close and personal time). Instantly switching is awesome, but even you can't do it fast enough to be useful, unless I am missing something. Dennis' preamp is something we should all own!
By the way, I'm not saying we're going to spend a ton of time with each speaker at the GTG; there just isn't time for such audition sessions. What I am asking ADTG to do is not what we're going to do at the GTG. Now if I had all of his speakers in my house, I'd listen to each for a week without any other speakers in the room using reference tracks I'm very familiar with. When you spend a lot of quality time with a speaker the differences become very apparent, as does which you prefer the most. Instant switching is great at picking out immediate differences, though; it's just something we cannot all do (in case you couldn't tell I am jealous of Dennis' preamp).
I think we already know which speakers you will pick as the best......months ago.

We already know which one sounds the best
I've heard all the speakers already except the Phil's, so this event isn't for me; I'm not looking to see which sounds best. *But if I had to guess, I'd say it'll be the Phil 2's and the SoundScapes. *We'll be waiting until the "noob" attendees post their impressions before ours, though, as not to influence anyone's decision...not that it would happen...
So how many speakers do you has to "audition" ?