I'm not sure if it's a texture thing. According to Adam, it's the kind of oatmeal I had. It had a banana in it. I'll let my girl try out a different brand ... maybe.
I'm having to do something to counter the effects of quitting smoking. Weight, blood sugar and cholesterol levels have sky rocketed. It's just a matter of growing up and being accountable for the condition my condition is in.
It sucks. No smoking, no sugar, no red meat, no bacon, no booze, no drugs.
And I can not master moderation so ... I don't know.
Maybe I'll become obsessively fit.
Ah, gotcha... that makes some sense... I get ya on the moderation thing... I quit smoking about a year and a half ago and about 80lbs ago. Since then I've become an IFA certified sports nutritionist and am a part time trainer. Prone to excess I guess.
I'm a firm believer in a balanced diet, dont get me wrong, but there's also no sense in forcing yourself to enjoy foods that you just cant. Thats a good way to fall of the wagon. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you dont have to eat oatmeal (except that your girl wants you to). Making healthy choices doesnt mean missing out on what you like. Case in point... Whole wheat toast, egg whites and low sodium turkey bacon/sausage make a better balance than a bowl of oatmeal and fruit, mostly due to pairing proteins with the sugar for an overall lower glycemic index. For blood sugar issues, its actually better for you.
One client of mine cant choke down cooked oats.. no worries... dry oats in a blender, makes a powder, scoop of chocolate whey protein, tablespoon of peanut butter a few ice cubes, water, and 30 seconds later you've got a delicious breakfast/meal replacement with all the macro nutrients and plenty of calories to hold you til lunch. Thats one way to take down oatmeal...