I would like some opinions on Emotiva Amps. I am thinking about purchasing the UPA-7.
Are these quality good sounding amps?
Are there any real benefits to shell out $1800 more on the Marantz 8 channel or another brand.
I believe you have received good advice for any normal situation, but could you please let us know:
1) what speakers you will be driving
2) how large your room is (cubic feet)
3) how loud you like to listen and
4) how much Music vs Home Theater
The UPA-7 is a very impressive unit, but if your speakers are power hogs and you have a large room and like to really crank it, it is possible for you to run out of headroom.
If this is the case, the 8 channel Marantz option (which seems to have effectively the same performance as the UPA-7) would not be a solution.