I removed the driver. The basket looks fine. The cone itself also looks fine. It's how it sits inside that is bent, although, that might be part of the cone for all I know. I do not know much about the internal structure of a driver. I watched about 10 different videos on repairing the surrounds. That was all for naught if I have to bring these in. They have such crap hours at Midwest. Tuesday-Friday 10 am to 4. Just heinous for me to get up there during that window of time. But if I must, I will. I'll look into shipping them to Roseville. Anyone else have a clue what's going on here structurally? If that one needs re-coning, I'd have to do them both obviously.
It's a small operation- let the guy determine his own hours. They may have time set aside to do repairs, too- that's really hard when people are coming in the door. The cement used for some of this is often Acetone-based and the time window for working with it is very short. The other contact cement can't be left to sit, either.
There's only a small number of companies that repair drivers well- it's not like the old days, where you couldn't help tripping over them. We had one here in the Milwaukee area and he sold because he was old and the solvents/cement was affecting him. The guy who bought his inventory and business was young and suffered from the chemicals, too. Another company was ging fine, then something happened (I suspect the same problems), so he sold and the buyer went off the deep end- the company was open for awhile, but he was AWOL. Then, random people started advertising speaker repair and most did a bad job because they didn't really know how to do it the right way.