So I mentioned that I ordered Infinity RS-2000 and 3000's for a couple of different rooms. I was really only looking for one or the other, but I came across both and they were what I thought were great deals, so I bought them. The 3000's came yesterday and you know the saga there (obviously). The 2000's came today via Fed-ex Ground. Packed so well, it was just incredible. Perfect size box with perfectly placed styrofoam sectioned in all the right places. That was encouraging. Also, the cabs were 10 out out of 10! Getting somewhere now! But.... one neg terminal on the back was broken. So I soldered a lead from the inside. Tried to find a plug of some sort in a my misc. box of connections and what-not. But for now, I just went with a lead out the back. Oh yeah and the surrounds were good in the photos. Well, in person, I could tell it was redone. I thought "oh-oh". And yep, one woofer buzzed! I asked the seller about it and he didn't explain, he just offered me $20. I told him that it would cost $40 each to get them repaired. And they'd both have to be re-done even though one sounded ok. You would not want two different surrounds on them. So I said $40 would be better. So I got that (actually around $43 with tax) back and then went on Midwest's site and ordered direct replacements for $100 instead of the repair, because of the faster turn-around, shipping to them and no real clue why it was buzzing. Likely a bad surround repair, but maybe worse! I am happy with all that. But sheesh, here I was excited to get both shipments and both went all to (temporary) heck. I had just ordered the surround kit from Midwest only a few hours previous, so I could have saved on some shipping charges had I ordered everything together, but that's fine. If anyone is curious, I ordered these:
The listing does not say it fits RS-2000 specifically, but Midwest's listing on ebay for the same woofer makes it more clear that it actually does fit them.
Both sets will be nice eventually thanks to TLS Guy and finding these replacements that look really top drawer.