Once again: what are you listening to now? Part 2.



Audioholic Overlord
She's got it! Beautiful too! Wow!

Not Bad at all! Oh and beautiful as well!



Audioholic Overlord
Heck yeah! This is one group I would love to tour with! :D:D:D



Audioholic Ninja
Really hard to find an original version of this online. I own the vinyl, which was by brother's, and the CD. Probably not everyone's cup of tea but still manages to captivate me. It was weird being a young kid in the 60's. Not sure if this will work for everyone.

The Beatles - "Because"


Audioholic Samurai
Really hard to find an original version of this online. I own the vinyl, which was by brother's, and the CD. Probably not everyone's cup of tea but still manages to captivate me. It was weird being a young kid in the 60's. Not sure if this will work for everyone.

The Beatles - "Because"
Long story perhaps for not much of a bang, but in Las Vegas there is a show called "Beatles LOVE" done by Cirque De Soleil. Like most Cirque shows, it is visually stunning. What makes this particular show so captivating is the soundtrack of Beatles tunes. You can read about it if you wish, but the gurus for the show did a ton of work to remaster and produce a modern soundtrack of Beatles music that fits the flow of a show. George Martin and his son (original Beatles producer) worked on the project.

"Because" is the lead track. It sets the tone for the show and its a great reminder of what 4 young kids put together on a shoe string back in the day. The LOVE soundtrack is a great rendition of their music. The show itself is worth the time if you ever hit Vegas. Thanks for the tune. Great listen.


Audioholic Samurai
Doobie Brothers: Black Water

A little outside my wheelhouse, but I've always loved this song.
I was trapped on an Air Force base in Mississippi for 40 some odd weeks for training with little more than a radio and a chow hall for entertainment. I listened to more Doobie Brothers than the Geneva Convention allows. Nice trip down memory lane.

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