Well, sex is defined by chromosomes as well. And, to many, yes, trans does equal bad.
If one wants fairness in sports, then you get an agreement what is allowed and what is not, not define everyone as XX or XY, male or female by sex organs.
The operative part- "to many". If someone wants to be trans, that's fine but DO NOT define everything by what a small percentage feels but the 'many' to whom Trans = bad shouldn't be allowed to define everything, either. Also, can we have an end to being shouted at for not addressing someone by their preferred pronoun? Nobody reads minds, the preference IS NOT OBVIOUS. If they want people to know, why not make it easier to see?
What do you mean, "as well" That was the main point of my post. Gender isn't biology, it's psychology. It's about how someone feels, not what they are, anomolies aside.
How are males and females equal WRT physical abilities? Sure, some females are much stronger than the average, but on average, the differences are huge. I was going to use shotputting a an example, but the difference between the men's & women's world records is only about one meter. Until females can routinely win in competition with males, I don't think they should compete in official meets, games, etc.
Does anyone really think the WNBA can compete with the NBA, or females play against the NFL? NFL shows levels of brutality that might not happen with females.