Just my opinion
From what I can gather from watching and reading news stories, the reason no new refineries are being built here is because they have been the least profitable and in fact a losing venture for the oil companies the last number of years. Couple that with the restrictions the EPA, etc put on them and it's no wonder they aren't building them left and right. As most have mentioned, oil is big business and it does not take a degree in Economics to figure out if you have a loser, you don't go sinking more money into it.
To me, the long term solution is alternative fuels as well as engines. Batteries won't cut it, I'm afraid. Did someone say Golf? That's a sport I enjoy playing, not a means of transportation.

I'll keep my big cars, motorcycles and trucks with their big engines, thank you. Yeah, they can stuff a lot of folks into a small car in Asia. Many of them also live in about a 3' x 2' space with a light in it. Good for them if they enjoy it, but I'll also keep my big house with my big stereo and HT, thank you.
As resourceful and ingenious as Americans have always been, I'm sure we could come up with many viable alternatives. I'm afraid that as long as big oil and big politics are around, however, that many of these will be stifled. E85 seems like a good alternative at first, but I'm not so sure anymore. We should be able to come up with a fuel made from some kind of renewable resource, however. At least with fuel from corn, or sugar cane, etc, we could stop paying farmers to NOT grow stuff and let them grow crops we could turn into fuel.
I don't believe that raising the price of gas will solve the problem. People that can afford it will still keep on wasting it and others will steal, go on welfare or some other govt program to subsidize it to obtain it, or in some cases, just do without. Curtailing the availability of it will get folks on the bandwagon to come up with an alternative, not higher prices. I know, I know, it's all about supply and demand. Say what you want but if gas were 25 cents a gallon what difference would it make if there were none or little to buy? I remember the oil crises of '74 and '79. For me, where I lived, the '74 was worse. Much longer lines to get it and many more stations limiting the amount you could get. THAT slowed people down on consumption by the various methods rather than the price they had to pay per gallon.
I drive big cars because I like them. I drive a full size truck because I need to. I have a fast car because I love to go fast on occasion, sometimes at the track. With the exception of the fast car at times, I drive as easy as I can to get the best mileage I can out of them, but I will always have big 'uns.
As far as how you vote, well, this is still America. Thank God you live here and have the right to vote. I say vote your conscience. That's all you can do, except campaign for your person or party, but at least vote! One thing that gripes me is folks that complain about the way things go in Washington and yet they never vote. Losers!