Official PSP2 Specs



Audioholic Samurai
Well it's been a while since I last posted, so I thought I would take a moment to say hi all.... alright the moment has passed. Now gaming news sites are all a buzz with Sony's official announcement of the PSP2 yesterday, there has been wide speculation as to the specs and features of the PSP2....... here they are.


* 5-inch OLED touch screen

* Touch pad on the back of the PSP2

* Dual analog sticks

* Two cameras (front and back)

* Game titles on flash memory cards

* Three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass

* Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity

* PlayStation Network access, including LiveArea, Near and Activity log features Trophy Support

* Play PSP titles, minis, PS one classics, video and comics from the PlayStation Store.

Tech Specs

CPU ARM Cortex -A9 core (4 core)


External Dimensions

Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth)

Sony has made a bold claim that the PSP2's power will rival that of the PS3 while I can't confirm this claim I can say it's off to a good start, now what would a new piece of hardware be without games to make use of it here is a confirmed line-up of titles for this little monster.

  • Killzone
  • Uncharted
  • WipEout
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Call of Duty
  • Resistance
  • Little Deviants
  • Hot Shots Golf
  • Reality Fighters
  • Gravity Daze
  • Smart As
  • Broken
  • Hustle Kings

Sony has yet to confirm pricing or a release date but it wouldn't surprise me if we see it just before the holiday season. After you have read this you may have noticed one thing missing from the list of features...Backwards Compatibility I know some of you are saying what I just saw it mention PSP titles are playable, while that is true there's a catch the PSP2 will be able to play PSP titles but you will have to download them from the PS Store in order to do so.

Lack of B/C may be your biggest gripe about the PSP2 especially if you own a large collection of UMD's while this is what killed the PSPgo the PSP2 will still make use of physical media in the form of flash memory cards, will this stave off failure? only time will tell. So that's the latest from the Sony camp and until next time......

Peace and Happy Gaming



Audioholic Field Marshall
Took em long enough to put 2 analog sticks on it. You would think something so basic as that would've been on the original psp :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
stupid to remove the umd slot :/
PSP Go already removed it, so it isn't like that is different. "Rival" the ps3 in a portable? I'd like to see that.

Dang, wth have you been Ares?
Last edited:
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
I know the PSPgo did, and it was a flop... :/


Audioholic Samurai
PSP Go already removed it, so it isn't like that is different. "Rival" the ps3 in a portable? I'd like to see that.

Dang, wth have you been Ares?
Nice to hear from you again J, took a temp job which hasn't left me with a lot of time to cruise the net but now that it's over I hope to be on more frequently. I would like to see that as well but I doubt it could rival the PS3's power but it should be the most powerful handheld at this time.

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