Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+



Audioholic Overlord
Edit: Release date is 5/25/2022!

This is, frankly, the most exciting thing on the horizon for me in TV-Land. Sure, I'm looking forward to Jack Ryan, but c'mon. If done right, Obi-Wan could be one for the records.

Speculation is that Obi-Wan could air as soon as 5/4, a Wednesday that aligns with D+'s release schedule. We could see the trailer as soon as the end of S1-E8 of the Boba Fett series... in 2 more weeks.

My-oh-my, if they get this right... *fingers crossed ;)

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Audioholic Jedi
I am sure every single SW fan is looking forward to this series.


Audioholic Jedi
They really are milking the SW franchise....I like some of it, found the last few episodes of Boba Fett's series just a bit stretched, altho great production values, but the quality of the writing in combination with their "universe", meh....they need to keep it more comedic/slaptstick IMO, as it doesn't make for very good serious scifi otherwise from what I've seen with this (or the Mandalorian much). George's original universe is hard to expand on.....


Audioholic Spartan
I won’t be with ‘em long enough to watch it. My annual subscription ends at the end of the month and then the price goes up. On top of that, the Kardashians have a show coming to Disney+ in April. I can’t, I just can’t. All good things come to an end. “I’m so glad we had this time together…”:confused:


Audioholic Samurai
That series is a mixed bag.
What I don't like, is they have taken a character who the fans love, even if he only had about 18 minutes of total screen time across all movies, made him uninteresting, a little weak. They don't even have enough confidence for his series that they have to heavily inject Mando and Grogu in for multiple episodes. Disappointing. I got up early to watch the season finale before I start my day, again, not very good. I want to like it, but so far coming away very disappointed.


Audioholic Slumlord
That series is a mixed bag.
There is so much going on behind the scenes of that show. Rumor has it they rewrote a crapload of it and straight cut some episodes out to scrub it of Kk's influence. That's why we got a couple of episodes of Mando, to fill the void left by scrapping episodes of Boba. Basically, what ever suck there is with Boba, and there's plenty, it's because of KK's input and they did their best to completely switch gears. They didn't even have the re-written ending completed until like last week from what I read.


Audioholic Slumlord
I guess the original idea with Boba was to tear him down and make him look bad because patriarchy and the bean counters said no, you're not destroying another legacy character and made them rewrite it midstream.

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Audioholic Spartan
George f#%ked it all up himself with his revisionist "Special Edition." If Disney wants to make it all good, they'd release the original three films in their theatrical forms. Go ahead and give Jedi its original title back while you're at it. If that can't be done, who really gives a s#%t about the rest? I mean, they're gonna' let Hayden in front of the cameras, again.:D
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Audioholic Slumlord
George f#%ked it all up himself with his revisionist "Special Edition." If Disney wants to make it all good, they'd release the original three films in their theatrical forms. Go ahead and give Jedi its original title back while you're at it. If that can't be done, who really gives a s#%t about the rest? I mean, they're gonna' let Hayden in front of the cameras, again.:D
Yeah George had some missteps for sure. That has nothing to do with what's going on behind the scenes now tho. My point is, things are looking up and going forward they're going to attempt to get back to what made it good to begin with. Will they succeed? We'll see. I do like the Grogu and Mando storyline, and Rosario Dawson just nails Ahsoka Tano, and she needed to. Ahsoka is a much beloved character and had to be done right.

*Edit: They nailed Cad Bane too!




Audioholic Spartan
George handpicked her for the job. George f#%ked up everything after "Empire" with Kennedy at his side. He called the shots. Let's not let him off of the hook just because some have it out for Kennedy. There are fans of the universe working on it now to some success but they answer to a great many people before anything gets "on air." There isn't a production in Hollywood that is 100% the vision of a single creator. It's a f#%kin' pricey business with ever changing demos. Disney and everybody else will chase those demos to the dismay of some. It is what it is. I'm more concerned with all of the Jedi alive and well and running around at this point. I guess Yoda was a f#%kin liar.:confused:


Audioholic Slumlord
George handpicked her for the job. George f#%ked up everything after "Empire" with Kennedy at his side. He called the shots. Let's not let him off of the hook just because some have it out for Kennedy. There are fans of the universe working on it now to some success but they answer to a great many people before anything gets "on air." There isn't a production in Hollywood that is 100% the vision of a single creator. It's a f#%kin' pricey business with ever changing demos. Disney and everybody else will chase those demos to the dismay of some. It is what it is. I'm more concerned with all of the Jedi alive and well and running around at this point. I guess Yoda was a f#%kin liar.:confused:
Yup. George messed up with KK. I totally agree, and I'm pretty sure he would too.

Are you getting angry? You seem kinda angry. Is it something I said? I've loved Star Wars and am a bit of a nerd about it. I can understand if you don't care for it but you seem pretty excited about it...


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm more concerned with all of the Jedi alive and well and running around at this point. I guess Yoda was a f#%kin liar.:confused:
As to this, there aren't any Jedi except for Luke. If you're thinking about Ahsoka, she's not a Jedi. She quit the order before she became one.

There may yet end up being a few who escaped order 66 pop up in the show, but so far there aren't any other Jedi running around live and well in the shows that I'm aware of.


Audioholic Spartan
Nah, I'm good. I like a good space opera and/or western. But, the writing in that last episode was as bad as anything from a cheesy old TV western. They actually said "City Folks." Boba Fett as he is currently portrayed is a let down. Obi-Wan can go either way. I still think it is ridiculous that he hid out on Annakin's home planet.:rolleyes: I thought he laid low for all of those years to avoid attention and look out for Luke but I'm sure he'll see some crazy action in the new show. Oh, and I do care, actually. I drove for hours to buy the "Definitive Collection" on laserdisc back in the 90's. You ever hold that f#%ker? You could kill somebody with it.:D I wouldn't mind dropping it on the toes of those responsible for the CGI Huts.;) It's splitting hairs on the Jedi thing. Luke started very late and had very little training. I mean, as a teacher, he didn't even make Grogu cover his eyes with a blast shield for his training.:rolleyes: Doesn't take much more than a bit of rock levitating and pond skipping to become a Jedi these days. But, again, it is what it is.:p


Audioholic Ninja
I have the original SW on VHS, DVD and blue-ray, and every added animal, character, ship and sound effect drives me bonkers! The original is a classic. The added elements are just a cheesy distraction. If they had a blue-ray without the extras I would gladly exchange it.

Hollywood has trouble understanding how powerful simple understated scenes can be. I have seen this often in U.S. releases of Japanese anime and movies. Some of the classic Ghibli films are prime examples, Disney being the culprit. Japanese producers are masters at using well placed silence. Disney licensed the Ghibli movies and was convinced that there was too much silence and added music and dialogue, ruining the impact of some scenes. There was also an excellent English dub of My Neighbour Totoro before Disney licensed it. They decided to redub the entire film to give it that Disney spin. The original dub is only on VHS now which is a real shame.

A little off topic, but pretty much all of the Ghibli movies are great family films. Any child would love My Neighbour Totoro or Kiki's Delivery Service. (To their credit, the English voice acting in Kiki is top notch.) Movies like Laputa (Castle in the Sky), Princess Monoke and Howl's Moving Castle will appeal to adults as well. And if you want to watch a truly heart wrenching animated film, watch Grave of the Fireflies about two children trying to survive in WWII Japan (considered by some as one of the best war films made). My personal preference is to listen in the original language with subtitles as Japan has some of the best voice actors around, but all of these are available in English. Grave of the Fireflies is on AppleTV and YouTube and may be on other services as well.


Audioholic Ninja
Grogu can't speak yet and the rest of us will be long dead before he utters his first word.:D
Just thinking that guy is the best character and people go crazy for him. Follow the money Disney. :)


Audioholic Chief
They really are milking the SW franchise....I like some of it, found the last few episodes of Boba Fett's series just a bit stretched, altho great production values, but the quality of the writing in combination with their "universe", meh....they need to keep it more comedic/slaptstick IMO, as it doesn't make for very good serious scifi otherwise from what I've seen with this (or the Mandalorian much). George's original universe is hard to expand on.....
I agree, the production quality of Boba and Mando is stunning. The writing not so much. I think I keep watching just because I grew up with SW. I keep questioning if these weren't SW would I have tuned out by now? The answer is probably yes.

As @Trebdp83 mentioned, I've been debating cancelling D+. New content is lacking. But it's inexpensive for now. It also seems like everything they've done is a spin-off on SW or Marvel.

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