Obama snubs our greatest ally



Junior Audioholic
Why wouldn't he hold his head up? Do you really believe that Darien is going to be less of a man because of who our elected officials are??:eek::eek: Our politicians, whomever we choose to vote for, do not define us as human beings.

And btw... while not a liberal, I would literally bet you everything I own that the GOP does not have a super majority in Congress in 2 years. That's not really even feasible given the much larger number of Republican senators that are up for election versus the number of democrats.
I probably should have stayed out of this, but I didn't. So I will try to keep this short.

My point was that he was simply so "proud" of Obama. Will he still be proud of him if things go badly?

There is obviously a great divide here and no one yet knows for sure how it will turn out.

I have my theory, though I honestly hope I am wrong! If I am right, no one wins! :(


Sure I am. I can't figure out any reason to have so much venom for a guy that has been in office for such a short amount of time.

BTW, that whole phrase "Call a spade a spade" refers to slaves that had children where the father was white.

I was not aware of the origins of the saying. Nor did I feel they were at all necessary or relevant.

I do find it odd that many Obama supporters revert to the race card when they are confronted with the reality of the situation.

I can assure you that my disdain for our current president has NOTHING to do with the color of his skin, but rather his lack of concern for the future of the country's citizens (increasing the national debt by another $800 billion with no plan to make it up but by taxing those with over $100K in income).

Perhaps if you would look through the media brainwash and open your eyes you may actually see what is going on???
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Audioholic Spartan
Let's give credit where it is truly due. Saddam was the idiot that HAD WMDs and used them.
Fixed that for you.:)

We know Saddam had WMD's because he used them against Kurdish civilians...wiped out whole towns. We also know who provided Saddam with the components to make WMD's. The issue has never been "whether" Saddam had WMD's. The question is "where did they go?"


Audioholic Spartan
Obama on the other hand is pushing for outright socialism
(taught companies it was OK to fail as long as you let the government become part owner, first bailout),
I want to give you a word that describes a socialist economy where the government controls the market but assets are still held in private hands. You won't like that word so I shall not say it but that is the current direction the U.S. is heading.


Audioholic Spartan
Who in god's name is Barry?
After all the malicious, spiteful and hateful names thrown at Bush for the last few years, I don't think referring to Obama by his familiar name is at all distasteful.:)


Senior Audioholic
Wow, let some people Razz the new Prezz a lil and the race card gets thrown.
No One accused people of hating Bush cause he was a Texas Cracker. A couple of folks in this thread need to relax. Nobody accused him of any felonies here...:D everything has been all misdemeanors so far. Ill give him the benefit of the doubt on the gifts, but the whole "bailout thing" I'M going to have to call B.S. on. Too much Pork in the SOB. We as American citizens don't need our elected officials using dire economical times, to get laws passed that otherwise wouldn't.


GO Barry, Go Barry, Go Go Go Gooo Barry!!


Full Audioholic
No it came out just right;) We all know how they oppressed the Ape kingdom.
I don't get the reference, but the mental picture appeals my sense of humour ;).

You know you can be pissed at us all we want, but you guys chose to go along. And I believe Blair is more to blame than bush. Blair had far more experience with Iraq than Bush. He could have been a voice of reason.
I don't think people here are pissed (well, not in the angry sense, maybe in the drunk-too-much-bad-Australian-lager sense).

Not sure I could agree on Blair being more to blame though. Complicit definitely, and I think he had his ego massaged (plus he seemed to see himself going down in history as some sort of saviour). Foolish perhaps.

The UK government did spend quite a lot of time trying to push through diplomatic solutions (or at least they claimed that) and the perception here is that they were hanging onto Bush's tail trying to slow his rush into war. Plus, I somewhat doubt the UK could bully a US government into doing something it didn't want to do.

It isn't that our politicians are skilled, it's that the American public is far more gullible than many in the world.
As Scott Adams noted in one of his Dilbert Zone strips: "50% of the people are below median intelligence!".

Seriously, I doubt the US public is any worse than most. It's consistently surprised me how similar people are all around the world, whether they be American (north or south), European, Asian, Oceanian or African.

A Ukrainian friend once said to me that they used to think their leaders (back in Soviet times) were corrupt, and that the west was this shining beacon of light. "Now I realise you're all just as bent as us", she said :).

Yep, we Americans are just a bunch of sheep being fooled by those sneaky wankers in Congress. It's a good thing we have the rest of the world to keep us informed of the truth.
You're welcome :D.

By the way, I wonder if the Scots and Irish agree with this British wisdom regarding 'force for good'. :p
Remember that the Scots are technically "British".

Given that the Scots, Irish, Northern Irish (and Welsh... no one ever remembers you guys eh :p) all hate the English, it wouldn't surprise me if the attitude towards the US was more positive - after all, they'd probably prefer the US to be the superpower than the English.

He has done a lot, but time will tell if it was actually good for America or for those in power.
That's were my cynicism kicks in. I remember the huge positive fanfare when Blair got to power in 97. We'd had years of an ever more decrepit and corrupt Conservative government, and there was genuine hope for the future (very un-British... all that chest thumping and flag waving ;)).

Of course, as time went on, it became obvious the Labour government was full of just as many weasels. To even get near the top of a western democracy you need the support of so many business and media individuals that you're always owned by the time you get to power.

The idea that governments are there for the interests of the people is a somewhat naive hope. My bet is that he'll look after those that got him there, and those that he needs to keep him there But that's no different to anyone else.

This is actually the problem. They didn't lie. They had bad intelligence and we don't even know if they were wrong. You know it's really easy to hide things. But Saddam did more to start the war than anyone else. Let's give credit where it is truly due. Saddam was the idiot that pretended to have WMDs and postured like he would use them.
Not sure about the lying thing. I don't know the scope in the US, but certainly in the UK the government embellished information - to the annoyance and concern of the UK security forces. As one commentator put it, "They put exclamation marks where there were questions marks".

On the subject of WMD though, what was Saddam supposed to do? Turn round any say his country didn't have anything, and that they were pretty defenseless. I'm sure the Iranians and Kurds would have been listening keenly.

There's a great political sketch show here, where some of their guys conduct spoof interviews. One of which was an interview with the leader of some fictional "...istan" country, and he was planning on announcing his country had WMD... because the only way to stop yourself being attacked for having WMD, was to actually have WMD.

Your point about lack of plans hits the nail on the head though.

Obama doesn't like the Brits or Churchill; it's his prerogative.
"The Times of London immediately traced Obama's "disdain" for Churchill to Kenya, where Obama's grandfather was caught up in the Churchill-led suppression of the 1950s Mau Mau Rebellion..."
It's worth noting that Churchill, the "Greatest Ever Briton" was actually a pretty nasty piece of work. He had a long history of being pro-war, and even advocating the use of chemical weapons on civilians.

To an extent, he's probably seen in a positive light because his warnings on Hitler were right. If Iraq had turned out to be brimming with WMD then Bush and Blair would probably have looked pretty good.

Of course, some of that WMD would have been stamped with "Made in the US, with best regards from Don Rumsfeld". Which takes us nicely to...

We know Saddam had WMD's because he used them against Kurdish civilians...wiped out whole towns. We also know who provided Saddam with the components to make WMD's. The issue has never been "whether" Saddam had WMD's. The question is "where did they go?"
Spot on. I love the hypocrisy of selling a known dangerous dictator chemical agents one decade, and then attacking him in another... because he's dangerous.

I want to give you a word that describes a socialist economy where the government controls the market but assets are still held in private hands. You won't like that word so I shall not say it but that is the current direction the U.S. is heading.
I think you mean the current system in the UK, where the public owns the liability, and the corporations own the profit :(.

Sounds good to me. All in favour of blaming the Canadians for everything? :D


Junior Audioholic
I don't get the reference, but the mental picture appeals my sense of humour ;).

I don't think people here are pissed (well, not in the angry sense, maybe in the drunk-too-much-bad-Australian-lager sense).

Not sure I could agree on Blair being more to blame though. Complicit definitely, and I think he had his ego massaged (plus he seemed to see himself going down in history as some sort of saviour). Foolish perhaps.

The UK government did spend quite a lot of time trying to push through diplomatic solutions (or at least they claimed that) and the perception here is that they were hanging onto Bush's tail trying to slow his rush into war. Plus, I somewhat doubt the UK could bully a US government into doing something it didn't want to do.

As Scott Adams noted in one of his Dilbert Zone strips: "50% of the people are below median intelligence!".

Seriously, I doubt the US public is any worse than most. It's consistently surprised me how similar people are all around the world, whether they be American (north or south), European, Asian, Oceanian or African.

A Ukrainian friend once said to me that they used to think their leaders (back in Soviet times) were corrupt, and that the west was this shining beacon of light. "Now I realise you're all just as bent as us", she said :).

You're welcome :D.

Remember that the Scots are technically "British".

Given that the Scots, Irish, Northern Irish (and Welsh... no one ever remembers you guys eh :p) all hate the English, it wouldn't surprise me if the attitude towards the US was more positive - after all, they'd probably prefer the US to be the superpower than the English.

That's were my cynicism kicks in. I remember the huge positive fanfare when Blair got to power in 97. We'd had years of an ever more decrepit and corrupt Conservative government, and there was genuine hope for the future (very un-British... all that chest thumping and flag waving ;)).

Of course, as time went on, it became obvious the Labour government was full of just as many weasels. To even get near the top of a western democracy you need the support of so many business and media individuals that you're always owned by the time you get to power.

The idea that governments are there for the interests of the people is a somewhat naive hope. My bet is that he'll look after those that got him there, and those that he needs to keep him there But that's no different to anyone else.

Not sure about the lying thing. I don't know the scope in the US, but certainly in the UK the government embellished information - to the annoyance and concern of the UK security forces. As one commentator put it, "They put exclamation marks where there were questions marks".

On the subject of WMD though, what was Saddam supposed to do? Turn round any say his country didn't have anything, and that they were pretty defenseless. I'm sure the Iranians and Kurds would have been listening keenly.

There's a great political sketch show here, where some of their guys conduct spoof interviews. One of which was an interview with the leader of some fictional "...istan" country, and he was planning on announcing his country had WMD... because the only way to stop yourself being attacked for having WMD, was to actually have WMD.

Your point about lack of plans hits the nail on the head though.

It's worth noting that Churchill, the "Greatest Ever Briton" was actually a pretty nasty piece of work. He had a long history of being pro-war, and even advocating the use of chemical weapons on civilians.

To an extent, he's probably seen in a positive light because his warnings on Hitler were right. If Iraq had turned out to be brimming with WMD then Bush and Blair would probably have looked pretty good.

Of course, some of that WMD would have been stamped with "Made in the US, with best regards from Don Rumsfeld". Which takes us nicely to...

Spot on. I love the hypocrisy of selling a known dangerous dictator chemical agents one decade, and then attacking him in another... because he's dangerous.

I think you mean the current system in the UK, where the public owns the liability, and the corporations own the profit :(.

Sounds good to me. All in favour of blaming the Canadians for everything? :D

Overall a good analysis!

And I am all for blaming Canada! :)


Audioholic Spartan
The idea that governments are there for the interests of the people is a somewhat naive hope. My bet is that he'll look after those that got him there, and those that he needs to keep him there But that's no different to anyone else.
Well said, I couldn't agree more!

I love the hypocrisy of selling a known dangerous dictator chemical agents one decade, and then attacking him in another... because he's dangerous.

It isn't hypocrisy at all. It's was a relationship.
Like all types of relationships (micro or macro), circumstances change.
Irony yes....hypocrisy, not so much.



Audioholic Ninja
It all boils down to this. If you believe that our fate is better in the hands of the rich whose motivation is profit, you are a capitalist. If you believe that our fate is better in the hands of elected officials whose motivation is to become rich, you are a socialist. Either way, anyone who isn't rich has always and will continue to get screwed. The only thing that changes is who does the screwing.


Audioholic Ninja
Given that the Scots, Irish, Northern Irish (and Welsh... no one ever remembers you guys eh :p) all hate the English, it wouldn't surprise me if the attitude towards the US was more positive - after all, they'd probably prefer the US to be the superpower than the English.
I think the point was made without including the Welsh...:D...along with rest of the "British Empire". Speaking of "force for good", that was a helluva tea party, yes?! ;)


Audioholic Overlord
Along those lines...

It all boils down to this. If you believe that our fate is better in the hands of the rich whose motivation is profit, you are a capitalist. If you believe that our fate is better in the hands of elected officials whose motivation is to become rich, you are a socialist. Either way, anyone who isn't rich has always and will continue to get screwed. The only thing that changes is who does the screwing.
"Listen, years ago I rode with Juárez against Emperor Maximilian. I lost many chickens but I thought it was worth it to be free. When Porfirio became President, I supported him – but he stole my chickens. Then came Huerta and he stole my chickens. Then it was Carranza’s term, and he stole my chickens too. Now comes Pancho Villa to liberate me and the first thing he does is steal my chickens.(…) What makes one different from the others? My chickens don’t know. All over the world revolutions come and go. Presidents rise and fall. They all stole your chickens. The only thing to change is the name of the man who takes them."

Link : http://indianajones.wikia.com/wiki/Old_man_in_pueblo

I remembered this line for years after I saw the TV show. I still think that show was one of TV's finer moments.


Seriously, I have no life.
Hey, the banks and their executives get the first 700 BILLION, us 300 million others get the other 800 Billion.

Seems about fair:mad:
You really think we're getting that $800B?

And as bad as the unemployment numbers are, there are still 2 million job openings.


Seriously, I have no life.
If they were going to print money & give it away to stimulate the economy it should have gone out to every taxpayer.
$1.3T to 150M tax payers is only about $8700. It would help, but not really a lot. What I would like is for Congress members to be required to forfeit their salary for at least a year, since they're the ones who got us into this.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm bipartisan when it comes to hating politics.
I'm non-partisan. I hate them all.

What I don't understand is that while we know some of the people who denied that FNMA and FDMA were headed toward a crisis and claimed that not lending to low income people is racist, they aren't being held responsible, in any way. We have a duty to hold their feet to the fire when they do the wrong things, but all we do is ***** and argue about it in forums like this. Congress has done the wrong things for a long time and we just don't seem to know what to do about it. Change can be good but there are no guarantees that what is happening will be. Sweeping changes in a short time guarantees that a lot of details will go unnoticed and that's extremely dangerous- it's impossible to pay attention to everything.

So far, just about everything Obama said he would change, will either cost far more, take much longer than stated, or both. Campaign promises are great but what he says and what he does will need to be watched.


Seriously, I have no life.
I don't know if it is racism, I don't know if it is people not being able to be a bully via living vicariously through Bush...

But Obama has been at it only ~6 weeks. I don't know how to describe the hate or rabidity of some of the posters here in regards to President Obama. I can only come to the conclusion that some here have become mentally unhinged.
For some, it is race- that can't be denied. What about the number of previous non-voters who came out to elect the first black President? Are you going to say that their decision wasn't based on race?

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